7. (p1)

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(A/N: For those of you who don't read these at the bottom of every chapter, I said a couple chapters ago that this story would be over soon bc I've just started school *cue the crying!!* but I might make a second story to this one bc I really loved writing it and I love how much YOU guys love reading it (: anyway, there's probably 4 or 5 chapters left of this story and if it gets to 800 reads, then I'll start the second story ok? ok! I'll also be starting a MLP SunDash story in a week or so, so watch out for that. Onto the storyyyy!!!)


February 13th (;

Waking up at 11:00 am, Rainbow sat up and looked around, finding she was alone in the room. Getting up, she went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. When she was finished, she went out of the room and into the kitchen, finding her girlfriend eating cereal while still in her pajamas, though they were different ones from last night. That meant she showererd already.

She took a seat across from Aj at the kitchen table, leaning across to kiss her forehead.

"I see you're finally up." Aj said with a smile.

"Yep, I haven't slept that good in forever. Though I'll admit I didn't sleep too long." Rainbow replied, stretching her arms above her head.

Getting up from the table, Aj placed her empty bowl in the sink and went back over to Rainbow, grabbing her hand before leading her back to her room. When they got there, Aj closed her room door and went over to her closet, getting out an outfit for the day. Rainbow sat on the bed, watching Aj's every move.

"Where are you going?" Rainbow questioned.

"I'm going to Sweet Apple Acres to the Apple family reunion that I've been telling you about all week." Aj replied and turned to Rainbow, " You said you'd go with me. Did you forget?"

"Oh man, I'm so sorry Aj. I promised Rarity and Pinkie I'd meet them at Sugarcube Corner today, but I can meet you at the reunion when we're finished, promise."

"What are you meeting them for?" Aj questioned, lifting an eyebrow.

"Pinkie wants me and Rarity to help her with some new cupcakes she's making and needs our opinion." Rainbow said, coming up with a quick excuse.

"I guess." Aj sighed. "You'll meet me there, right?"

"Yeah, it won't take long."

Aj nodded, pulling off her shirt and folding it neatly, placing it in her dirty clothes basket.

"You know, I like watching you undress." Rainbow said before biting her lip.

Aj rolled her eyes, giving a small laugh before taking off her pajama pants.

"Yeah, because you're a perv." Aj began putting her outfit on, going into the bathroom to comb her hair.

"You like it, though." Rainbow called after her, going into the closet to get her own outfit for the day.

Once she was dressed and ready to go, she ran her fingers through her hair and grabbed her keys and phone, going over to kiss Aj goodbye.

"It should only take about an hour." Rainbow spoke.

"I better see you there." Aj relied with a glare.

Both girls left out of the apartment, Aj making sure to lock the door, and went downstairs. Big Mac and Pinkie were both waiting downstairs having a conversation, though Pinkie was doing all the talking. Aj hugged Pinkie before getting into the truck along with her brother. Rainbow got into her car, Pinkie getting in the car with her.

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