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Aj waited until exactly noon to text Soarin to back out of getting ice cream.

Me: Not feeling too good, won't be able to make it for ice cream. Maybe some other time /:

Almost instantly, he replied a few seconds later.

Soarin: Sorry to hear that, hope you feel better Applejack.

Aj put her phone down on the kitchen counter and continued to make breakfast for her still sleeping girlfriend. She knew that when Rainbow woke up, she'd feel sick, hungry, and her limbs would feel like lead. She'd only known that from when Aj took her to Big Mac's birthday party down on the farm and she got crazy drunk.

Aj giggled at the memory of Rainbow nearly falling on her face everytime she attemted to walk. Turning the stove off, Aj prepared their plates, placing more food on RD's plate because she'd be as hungry as a full grown man. When she was done setting the table, Rainbow came into the kitchen, wiping her mouth on the back of her hand.

"Morning, Rainbow." Aj half smiled, only to get a wave in return.

RD sat down across from her girlfriend at the table and began to eat her breakfast. Aj handed her some Tylenol and a glass of orange juice to help her feel better and not so queasy.

Aj finished her food first and got up to wash the dishes. Once she was done straightening up, she stood at the island and watched Rainbow scarf down her food.

"So, uh, how do you feel?" Aj asked, breaking the silence.

"I'm fine." Rainbow replied, getting up and washing off her used dishes before turning to Aj, leaning on the counter.

"Did you sleep nice?"

"Mhm." RD wrapped her arms around Aj's waist and pulled her back to her chest. "I wanna talk about something."

"What is it?" Aj questioned, looking at the rays of sunlight hitting the kitchen island.

"I'm sorry about what I said last night at the party. Even though I didnt know I said any of that to you until Rarity called me a while ago and nagged at me, I don't know why I said it. I was just being a prick and you didn't deserve that. You didn't deserve me yelling at you when I got home and I'm sorry for breaking the dishes. We can buy more today, I promise."

"It's okay, and I'm sorry for not listening to you about Soarin. I promise to stop talking to him. I'll have to figure out how to do it in the nicest way possible."

Rainbow gave a wicked smile, one that she only gave when she was up to something. Aj squinted and was about to question her, but she was interrupted by RD lifting her up onto the kitchen island.

"Hey, what're you doing?" Aj asked with annoyance.

"Oh, nothing." RD replied as she peeled Aj's shorts and panties off of her.

"Y-You're doing something..." Aj trailed off with a blush while Rainbow pulled her to the edge of the counter.

"You'll love it, I promise."

With that, Rainbow parted Aj's thighs and put her tongue to use. Aj couldn't deny the fact that she loved it, even though she didn't say it. She'd never felt so good in her life and she wasn't going to back out now.


Aj stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her body, going out into the bedroom. She quickly got dressed and tied her hair into a ponytail.

"Ready to go?" Rainbow asked, grabbing her keys off the dresser.

"Yep." Aj replied as she slipped some converse on and they both walked to the front door.

RD locked the door after them and they went over to Rainbow's car before getting in. They pulled out of the parking lot and headed to Pinkie's grandparents' beach house. When they got there, they saw all their friends were already there, playing in the water. Except for Rarity, she was getting a tan at the moment. Both Aj and Rainbow got out of the car and walked over to them.

"Hey, Rainbow! Hi, Applejack!" Fluttershy greeted the two newcomers.

"Hey." They both replied in unison, taking off the clothes they had on over their swimsuits.

Well, Aj had on a white two piece bikini, while RD just had on atheletic shorts and a tank top. Aj walked to the water and shivered, stepping back quickly.

"Brrr, that's as cold as a meatlocker in Antarctica!" Aj exclaimed, causing everyone to chuckle.

"It's not that cold, Aj.You just gotta get used to it." RD said as she walked out into the water with no hesitation. "See? The water's fine, babe."

"Aww, you called her 'babe'! That's so cute!" Rarity swooned, smiling as the sun began to set and she finally decided to join everyone in the water.

"Yeah, Rainbow Dash can be cute a lot of times." Aj teased, poking RD's stomach.

"I'm not cute, that's not my style." RD scoffed, shaking her head before wrapping her arms around Aj's waist.

"You wanna know what's cute though?" RD asked Aj.

"What's that?" Aj lifted a brow.

"I would say you, but you're far beyond cute. Calling you cute would be degrading. You're absolutely, positively, definitely beautiful. I don't say that much either, be happy." RD said.

"Trust me, I am." Aj laughed. "As long as I'm with you, I'll always be happy."



"Pinkie Promise?"

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Aj smiled while rolling her eyes, doing the hand motions to the Pinkie Promise.

"You can't ever break that promise, Applejackkkk!" Pinkie shouted before jumping into the water, going under and coming right back up.

"I know, I know. I don't ever intend to." Aj grinned at her girlfriend.

"I love you, Applejack." Rainbow whispered softly with a grin on her face.

Aj smiled, running her fingers through Rainbow's long polychromatic hair.

She could remember the first day she'd met this moody, rude, pervert of a girl. She'd never imagine herself ending up in a relationship with her back then, but here she is now. In a happy and healthy relationship with the only person to fit so well with her. Rainbow Dash was her everything and she wasn't going to let her go.

"I love you, Rainbow Dash."

(A/N: Well that's the last chapter guys! It's short, but sweet (i hope!) you know? I hope you guys liked it as much as I do (: ily guys!)

Edited Oct. 30, 2017

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