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(A/N: I cant believe I started writing this story 2 months ago and now its almost over D: It just reached 1k reads and Im so happy and shocked at the same time oMG! I just cant believe the story's almost over thoooo. Im 10000% sure that there'll be a second book tho (: You can stop your crying now guys (jk ily all )

3 months later

It was currently 9:26 p.m. and Applejack, along with all her friends (save for Pinkie) and her girlfriend, were sitting in Rarity's room finishing getting ready for the graduation party Pinkie's throwing tonight. All seven girls had a pretty eventful day today, in all honesty. They had just graduated from high school earlier this afternoon and it lasted for hours because the graduating class was huge. After graduating, they all went out for pizza and ice cream, came back to relax at Rarity's, and now they're getting ready for the party.

Pretty much the whole school is gonna be at the party, whether they did graduate, didn't graduate, or weren't a senior. This was probably going to be the biggest party of the school year, considering that no one typically missed the graduation party at the end of the school year.

Going outside, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Twilight got in Rarity's car that she was gifted with on her birthday last month. Sunset was driving her own car and Rainbow and Aj were riding together, of course. Soon, all three cars were on the road, headed to the party.

Getting there ten minutes later, everyone got out of their cars and stood outside of the house the party was being thrown in, which belonged to Trixie Lulamoon. It took Pinkie a lot of persuasion and Pinkie Promises in order to get Trixie to co-host the party with her because her house was just big enough for the whole school to fit in. Plus, she always threw great parties, not as great as Pinkie's though.

Everyone went inside except for Rainbow and Applejack. Rainbow habitually tossed her arm around Aj's shoulders and leaned down to kiss her temple.

"I can't wait to go home and peel those clothes off of you. I guess I'm gonna have to fight off all the guys tonight. You just look so...." Rainbow trailed off, biting her lower lip softly.

"I can fend for myself, RD." Aj chuckled, leading them into the house.

When they stepped inside, they saw hundreds of people from school and a few college students here and there. There were also flashing lights, a bar in the large kitchen, people were getting in the pool in Trixie's backyard, and Vinyl Scratch was being the DJ from the balcony overlooking the living room upstairs.

Aj had been to a few of Pinkie's parties, but they were never this big.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash!" A voice called to Rainbow as they stood by the front door, which people were still coming through.

Rainbow turned in the direction of the voice and saw her soccer and track co-captain, Spitfire, coming over to her and wrapping her arm around Rainbow's shoulders almost the same way she does to Applejack.

"You're always late to a party, huh?" Spitfire teased.

"Nah, I just don't like being early for anything." RD laughed, "So, what's up?"

"We'll, there's a few college students who play soccer at the university about 30 minutes from here at the bar and they invited us two to have a few drinks with them. I think it'd be a great opportunity for us to talk to them, Dash." Spitfire replied, continuing to ignore Aj's presence.

"That's awesome! Let's go." Rainbow spoke, giving Aj a peck on the lips and a smile as Spitfire returned to the bar.

"Babe, do you mind? I could really use this opportunity and a few drinks." RD asked Aj.

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