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As the bright moon shone happliy into the dark, starry sky, Applejack was feeling the exact oposite. Exhausted and hurt. After Sunset had left Aj alone on the shore, Applejack began to think about what she said. 'Do I really like Rainbow Dash? It can't be true. I mean, I'd know if I actually liked someone.' Aj scoffed before standing to her feet, dusting sand off of her clothes.

Though she had just been yelled at, Aj had to find Sunset so they could talk. Make things better. It felt like Aj was missing something big, but she just couldn't quite figure it out.

Walking back inside the house, Aj scanned the living room for Sunset's bright crimson and yellow hair. Finding nothing, she made her way into the kitchen before bumping into someone, nearly falling down onto her rear-end before their hand reached out to catch her.

When Aj looked up at the person, or guy, she was met with green eyes, almost as bright at her's, staring deep into her eyes.

"Woah there, beautiful. You okay?" the guy said, pulling Aj back onto her feet.

"I'm fine, thanks for catching me, ......?" Aj trailed off, lifting an eyebrow.

"Oh! I'm Soarin and you are?" he asked with a charming smile.


"Nice to meet you, Applejack. Cute accent, by the way. Very attractive. Almost as attractive as you." Soarin replied before licking his lips, backing Aj up against the wall closest to them.

"Uh, thanks?" Aj said questionably, unsure whether to leave or not.

"Soarin!" a familiar voice called from behind him.

With a groan due to the new distraction, he looked over his shoulder as Rainbow Dash walked up to him. She folded her arms over her chest at the sight of Applejack being the random girl he was flirting with.

"Can't you see I'm busy, Rainbow Dash?" he asked rudely.

"Don't you have some other random girl's legs to try and get between right now?" she asked back just as rudely, "Besides, Aj isn't interested." she stated, pulling Aj to her side and wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

Taking a minute to stare at the two girls in front of him, Soarin's sour expression turned into a smirk.

"Oh, I see! You're hitting that! Damn, Dash. You sure do get the fine ones." he said, drinking Aj in from head to toe before biting his lip.

"I'd love to watch." he added with a smirk.

"What me and Applejack do behind closed doors is none of your concern and you won't ever be able to watch." Rainbow said, kissing Aj's cheek which earned her an elbow to the side from the annoyed blonde.

"Fine, see you guys around. Bye, Applejack." he replied with a wink, disappearing into the crowd of bodies.

"What was that?" Aj asked, moving away from Rainbow Dash's side.

"Well, a 'thank you' would be nice for helping you." Rainbow told Aj, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"I didn't need your help. I'm old enough to handle myself, you know." Aj replied, walking past Rainbow into the kitchen in search of Sunset.

Reaching out to grab her arm, Rainbow stopped Aj in her tracks.

"I'm just looking out for you, Applejack."

"And I appreciate that, but you didn't have to. I was just fine." Aj pulled her arm from Rainbow's grip and went into the kitchen, where she found Sunset at the island with her head on her arms.

Aj sat on the stool next to her, placing her hand on Sunset's back.

"Can we talk somewhere private?" Aj asked.

"Not tonight, Applejack. I'm too exhausted and too drunk to have a serious conversation right now." she replied, not looking up at all.

"Okay, then." Applejack said before going back outside, sitting on the steps before pulling out her phone.


Two hours later, the party had ended and everyone had gone home. Except the Mane 7, of course. The girls had made their way upstairs with their bags and went into the room that Pinkie lead them to.

After sitting their bags by the door, everyone took a seat. Rarity and Twilight sat on the bed, Sunset, Fluttershy, and Applejack sat on the floor, Pinkie sat on the chair at the computer desk, and Rainbow sat on the little seat in front of the bay window.

"Soooo, how did you guys like the party?" Pinkie asked with a huge grin.

"It was absolutely delightful, darling." Rarity said while looking at her manicured nails.

"Yeah, it was great and all, but I'm really tired now from all that partying." Aj said next, recieving nods and sounds of agreements.

"We can all go to bed, but everyone will have to share a room." Pinkie said, her smile never faltering.

Everyone had said their goodbyes before pairing up into different rooms. It didn't really matter to Aj who she got, as long as she got some sleep.

Sunset, on the other hand, wanted to pair up with Applejack badly. Assuming she didn't move fast enough, Rainbow beat her to it as she slid in the door behind Aj, closing it softly afterwards.

Sunset ended up rooming with Fluttershy, while Rarity and Twilight roomed together.

Meanwhile, in Aj and Rainbow's room, Rainbow was laying across the bed as Applejack sat on the edge of it with her arms folded across her chest. The tension was thick in the air.

"So, are you gonna pout all night or get ready for bed?" Rainbow asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"I don't know." Aj said, running her fingers through her hair before putting her face in her hands with a loud sigh.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, exhausted." she replied, standing to her feet.

As Rainbow watched with delight, Aj quickly changed into her pajamas and climbed into bed next to Rainbow. Then, Rainbow changed her clothes, turned off the lights, and got into bed, too.

Though her pride was in the way, Rainbow Dash had a lot she wanted to tell Applejack. Too bad that she knew Aj wouldn't listen to her, she'd look like a fool.

'What do I do?' Rainbow thought to herself as she closed her eyes, falling asleep without saying another word to Applejack.

(A/N: Aaaaand, there's chapter 3 (: I don't really care too much for this chapter, but chapter 4 is gonna be LIT {: Don't forgot to comment, vote, or tell me if I made typos, no pressure. And I'll take any ideas you gus have for the story. Just say it and I'll make it work. Love you guys xoxo)

Edited Oct. 29, 2017

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