7. (p2)

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February 14th

As Rainbow snuck out of the apartment at sunrise while Aj was still sleeping, she locked the door with the spare key Aj's brother let her have due to her being there everyday. She went next door to Pinkie's place and knocked on the door. The door opened a few seconds later and revealed Pinkie in a bright pink shirt, light blue jeans, and pink converse. She had two grocery bags in her hand, a heart cookie in her mouth, and a set of keys in the other hand. Stepping outside, she locked the door and handed the bags to Rainbow while she ate her cookie.

"Did you get everything?" Rainbow asked as they walked down the stairs to her car.

Pinkie nodded and finished the cookie, giving a smile.

"Sure did, Rainbow! I just have to go to Aj's grandma's house and make those apple fritters, but everything else is done." Pinkie said, getting in the car with Rainbow.

Soon they were at Sugarcube Corner, sitting down with Rarity, Big Mac, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Sunset going over the plans for the day. Rarity already volunteered to stay with Aj all day and make sure she went where she need to be at the right times. Twilight was there to make sure everything ran smoothly and was perfect. Big Mac and Pinkie were going to go to Sweet Apple Acres, make apple fritters, then Pinkie would come back and make a cake for Aj. Fluttershy and Sunset were going to wait for Pinkie to come back to Sugarcube Corner and go with her to the last place Rainbow wanted to take Aj and decorate the place in time to surprise her. Even though Rainbow and Sunset weren't really the best of friends, they decided to put everything behind them and now they were cool again, just a bit awkward for now.

After having a final run through of the plans over chocolate chip muffins and juice, everything began to go where they needed to go and do what they needed to do. Rainbow remind evetyone to text her if anything came up or they needed something before leaving and putting her plan into action.


Aj woke up and stretched her arms. Looking at the clock on her nightstand, she saw that it read 9:24 am. Just then, she heard a knock at the front door. Getting up, she went to the door and looked out od the peephole. She saw Rarity with a huge grin on her face through the hole and opened the door for her friend.

"Good morning, dear. Sorry to wake you, but I need you to come shopping with me. It's an emergency." Rarity spoke, walking past the latter girl and down the hall into her bedroom.

"Why didn't you just call? I just woke up." Aj said.

"I was nearby and Pinkie isn't home and you're honest about everything, so I came here." Rarity replied, going into AJ's closet in search of a nice outfit.

"I guess." Aj sighed before going into her bathroom to get herself together.

When she came out, Rarity had laid out an outfit on the bed and was typing away on her phone. Aj picked up the outfit and went back into the bathroom. Minutes later, she emerged wearing a white long-sleeve shirt, light blue jeans, and white and pink vans.

Rarity looked up and smiled, making Aj sit on her bed as she did her hair and makeup. Of course, Aj was a brat the entire time, but Rarity finally finished. Aj had eye liner on, her eyebrows had been arched, clear lip gloss, and her hair was parted down the middle of her head and her hair was straightened.

Once they were all done, they got their things and left in Rarity's parents' car. Soon enough, they pulled up at the mall and went inside. Rarity knew the exact three stores they had to go and what they had to get. Going into the first store, Rarity lead Aj over to the clothing section that was in Applejack's size. Aj picked up a black shirt to look at it, only to have Rarity slap it out of her hands.

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