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jeonghan walked inside jisoo's dorm room, today would have officially marked their four month anniversary. his mood was so high, he had a bouquet of blue carnations, as soon as he saw them jisoo poppped into his mind.

he knew recently they hadn't really had much time to spend with each other, throughout their senior year together they had chosen different career paths, leaving them with little to no moments together.

still, they managed to pushed through and text each other as well as talked on the phone as much as they could. but, recently, jisoo has become a little distant, worrying jeonghan.

as soon as he stepped through the door, the lights were dimmed. even though it was not bright, he could see clothes scattered across the floor. his heart skipped a small beat, "his cleaning habits haven't really changed much."

that was until he saw clothes that did not belong to his boyfriend, "they're probably seokmin's," he reassured himself.

he was slightly convinced, until he walked to jisoo's bedroom door. he could hear heavy breathing, he bit his lip. he's working out. jeonghan raised his hand to the door knob, he stopped before he turned the knob.

his stomach began to churn as a lump formed in his throat, inhaling he grasped the metal knob and turned it slowly. he pushed the wooden door, stepping into jisoo's room.

the flowers dropped, jeonghan's head began to spin at the sight.

jisoo was shirtless, half of his body hanging off of his bed while seokmim, his roommate, was hovering over him. their lips connected to each other's.

jisoo pushed seokmin off of him, standing up quickly. "j-jeonghan. wh...listen...I...I..." jeonghan felt his throat begin to close itself, he was truly speechless.

he turned around, speeding through the dorm. jisoo still calling out his name. "jeonghan, wait. please!" he could hear behind him as he rushed down the hallway, he picked up his pace. tears streaming down his cheeks.

"JEONGHAN," jisoo grabbed his arms and the heart broken boy was fighting him off. "jeonghan, baby, please-"

"don't," jeonghan's voice cracked as he firmly scolded the boy. he stoped trying to wiggle his way out of his grip, there standing in front of him was a shirtless jisoo.

"jeonghan please, it's not...can we please talk?" he pleaded. "it's not what you think, please. I love you."

his words felt empty to jeonghan, he was speechless. he loved this boy, his glasses were rather foggy from the steam from his moist eyes.

"jeonghan please talk to me, can we just go back and discuss this?"

the long haired boy raised his gaze off of the ground and forced himself to look his love in the eyes, it hurt. seeing his face made jeonghan's whole body feel weak. as his eyes stopped on his lips, all he could picture were seokmin's.

"we can work this out, just please, talk to me..."

"do you love him," jisoo's expression dropped. "I'll let this whole thing go because I love you, if you can tell me that you don't love him."

jeonghan was hoping, praying jisoo would shake his head. tell him it was a one time thing, that seokmin came onto him.

"I," jisoo started. "I can't answer that." he looked away from jeonghan's gaze, feeling horrible as he watched his first love shed tears because of him.

"we've been out here too long," jeonghan's eyes began to leak even more water, the salty tears traveled down his cheek to drop off his chin. "he's waiting for you."

he tore himself from jisoo's grip and turned away, rushing down the steps. leaving the shirtless boy speechless and heart broken.

that day, jeonghan never wanted fall in love again. he never wanted to feel that way ever again. it was because he fell in love that he fell into a great despair.

+ + +
I've had this idea for a while??? let's see where it goes ??

broken-hearted; jeongcheolWhere stories live. Discover now