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so far, things with seungcheol were going well. he still had not accepted the fact that he may be falling for the photographer. he seemed to be able to really confide in him, and he enjoyed that.

still, was he ready? he was not too sure, all he knew is that he was getting ready by the others request. all he knew was that seungcheol had a large hold on him and it was terrifying.

but as he dressed himself 'nicely' as seungcheol said, he caught himself thinking about seungcheol more often then usual. and each thought seemed to reveal something new—something that may have gone unnoticed by others—and he his heart just fluttered even more.

his cluttered brain was interrupted by two soft knocks on his bedroom door. in came soonyoung, already dressed in his pajamas. his friend went and took a seat on his bed, watching him get ready.

"soon?" jeonghan turned from the mirror and was now facing his friend. "what's up?"

jeonghan turned back to the mirror and began to fix up his hair. he had not realize how anxious he felt without seeing seungcheol for the past couple of days, and was overjoyed while getting ready.

they had become a lot closer, and he enjoyed that so much.

"are," he cleared his throat. "are you going out? with seungcheol?"

"no I'm getting dressed up to sit in my bedroom," he answered, his tone was playful and sincere and soonyoung felt his stomach start to churn.

for days now, the boy was contemplating what to do with the information he was withholding from jeonghan. he stayed for hours, just letting all the possible scenarios play out in his head throughout the night.

he had decided to wait it out, just a little bit longer. but seeing his friend look so delightful, seeing him so genuinely happy he just could not bring himself to knock him of cloud nine.

because he knew, jeonghan deserved to be happy...but did he deserve to be hurt again?

"jeonghan, you know I care about you right?" soonyoung murmured, still loud enough for jeonghan to catch.

stopping himself from over spraying his cologne, he raised an eyebrow; "are you okay?"

softly chuckling, he replied; "shut up asshole, im trying to have a moment."

jeonghan walked over to his bed and sat next to his friend. "really, is something going on soonyoung, don't think I haven't noticed."

for a minute or so, soonyoung debated again, he just wanted to crawl under a rock for even considering keeping this from jeonghan, and that is when he knew what he should do.

but then the doorbell rang.

"that must be him, let's talk later okay?"

* * *

"no fucking way," jeonghan exclaimed as seungcheol parked in the parking lot of the gallery.

jeonghan had been dying to come, he had come the previous years with jisoo, but this time it was different because he did not drag seungcheol here. seungcheol had brought him on his own, and deep down the small effort made him feel a whole lot better about it.

"I thought you'd like this, I know I do some of the photos are so breathtaking," the boy paused for a moment before continuing. "but not as breathtaking as you."

jeonghan snickered then said; "is that what we are now? clichè lines."

the boys exited the car and walked to the entrance, they were handed a pamphlet and entered. jeonghan was in absolute awe. it was so much better than last year, especially because who he has gone with.

as they walked around, they carried long conversations about each individual piece. until they reach a large wall painting, it was none other than the solar system.

and quicker than the speed of light, seungcheol brought the camera that was hanging around to his neck and snapped a picture of jeonghan.

because he looked so flawless that it was absurd.

"hey what the hell?" jeonghan felt his face he hot once he realized what had just happened.

in that moment, seungcheol never realized how much the color red appealed to him.

"just capturing art, it's kinda my job."

"shut up."

they continued walking, and jeonghan just wanted to entangle their hands and be just a little closer to the older boy. but he could not, and he just did not understand why he made things difficult for himself.

they soon had to leave and jeonghan didn't want to leave the car, as seungcheol opened his door jeonghan realized he should as well.

"did you have a good time?" seungcheol questioned, sticking his hands in his pocket as they stayed by his car.

"the best," the want—the need—to want to grab seungcheol's face to and just kiss him endlessly was becoming stronger and stronger. he was upset at him for being so...so him.

they stood in silence for a bit, seungcheol rubbing the tip of his foot against the street. his head looking down towards the ground, his raven colored hair combed and gelled.

"son of a bitch," jeonghan gave in, earning himself a confused look.

with those words being said, jeonghan did exactly what he wanted. he grabbed seungcheol's face and forcefully pulled him. their bodies were now completely touching as soon as their lips met jeonghan melted.

the kiss was rough, but anyone standing within a five mile radius would feel the passion radiating of the boys. pulling away and gasping for air, seungcheol stared at jeonghan.

and then, he pushed him against the car. the boys kissed, and gasped for air then kissed again and so on for another twenty minutes or so. and they did not care about anything, because they were releasing their pent up feelings.

that night, jeonghan opened the door to his dorm and felt like things were staring to take a turn for the better. he began to unbutton his shirt, while going into his bedroom.

only to see soonyoung still in the same place he left him, his eyes were swollen and nose was a bright red.

he sniffled, "I need to tell you something."

smh. soonyoung right when they're happy. BUT I SPENT LIKE 200 AT H&M IM SO HAPPY

broken-hearted; jeongcheolWhere stories live. Discover now