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jeonghan waited outside, sticking his hands inside the denim jacket he chose to wear. he probably should have brought something a bit heavier, the night was quite cold.

he paced back and fourth, if he left now would it be considered rude? he didn't know seungcheol, and he wasn't sure if he was really over jisoo. jeonghan's mind began to think a little too much.

"hey, sorry about the wait, my co worker took a little longer than expected," jeonghan looked up as seungcheol jogged the small distance between them. "my car is this way."

as they approached the black jeep, seungcheol unlocked the passenger door first, holding it open for jeonghan, "you know, I could have opened it myself."

"doesn't mean you have too," the boy replied while shutting the door and walking around. as he stuck the keys in the ignition he turned the top half of his body around as he began to reverse.

the car ride was silent, mostly because the two boys really did not know what to talk about. they hardly knew anything about each other, except for the fact that ones an artist and the other is a bartender who looks really good shirtless.

as seungcheol made a few turns, they finally reached the restaurant he was so persistent on bringing jeonghan too. they began to unbuckle themselves and exited the tall car.

seungcheol held the door open, earning himself a smile from jeonghan. they sat in a corner booth, right next to the big window. just the smell made both of their mouths drool, seungcheol loved this place and maybe jeonghan would too.

"jeonghan, you need to try horchata, it was a drink mixed by god himself," jeonghan chuckled at seungcheol's over exaggeration.

"if it was mixed by the big man upstairs, then I guess I might not have another choice," the ends of seungcheol's mouth began to spread, his smile may have made jeonghan's heart skip a few beats.

as the lady came and took their orders, she brought their drinks and then quickly went back to the kitchen, there were a few other customers, but none of them were with another.

"so jeonghan, to make this somewhat unoriginal , tell me about yourself."

"what do you want to know?"

"hmm," the boy sipped his drink while trying to think of a question. "how long have you been drawing?"

"about eight years, I don't really count when I was younger because every kid likes to draw pictures," jeonghan connected his lips to the straw and took a sip of the drink seungcheol claimed to be the best.

and it was.

"my turn," jeonghan spoke. "what is your major?"

"I'm a film major, the department right next to yours." the elderly lady came with their plates, she set them down in front of the boys and they were so ready to consume the whole thing.

seungcheol had ordered a carne asada burrito with a side of red rice, and jeonghan played it safe and ordered the soft taco combo.

"there's no way you're going to eat that all," the older boy said while taking a bite out of his burrito.

jeonghan let out a loud 'ha', "I know I look small, but believe me I can eat."

as they began to eat their food, they asked each other basic questions like; favorite color, food, things they like to do, and so fourth. soon afterwards, they began to go a little deeper and started asking more personal questions and telling crazy stories to each other.

their meal was completely filled with laughter as well as shock, the two boys got comfortable really quickly. it was amazing how they just clicked, they talked so much they didn't even realize that the night had gotten later and the restaurant became emptier.

as each of them took turns speaking, the other was so engaged. seungcheol could not help but stare in awe as jeonghan smiled, and when he laughed his knees were slightly weak.

when seungcheol talked, jeonghan silently prayed he would smile. his smile was actually art, it was now burned inside his mind.

soon enough, the boys decided it would be best to leave the restaurant. so seungcheol took out his wallet and paid, firmly telling jeonghan to put his away.

"really, I can pay for myself seungcheol."

"I'll make you walk back to campus if you pull out any bills," seungcheol said.

"wow, I'm suddenly broke," jeonghan slipped his wallet back in his pocket.

then they left, seungcheol drove back to campus and decided to walk jeonghan back to his dorm.

"there's no way," seungcheol laughed as they got off of his jeep. "you really went skinny dipping in your neighbors pool?"

"I was honestly just jealous, their pool was so blue and pretty, so soonyoung and I decided to try it," they were now walking down the large pathway to the boys dorm building.

"okay, I have an even better question, first love."

images of jisoo began to play in jeonghan's mind, he felt a sudden pang in his heart, "let's just say we grew apart and he moved on without telling me."

suddenly, seungcheol got the gist and felt bad, "sorry jeonghan." the younger boy just shook his head, telling him it was fine.

"okay, I have a question for you, why did you decide to take me to a mexican grill and pay?"

seungcheol put his hands in his pocket,  "do you want an honest answer," the younger nodded. "because, I think I like you. so, I wanted to get to know you."

"o-oh," jeonghan did not know how to properly respond to the question. "seungcheol, thank you for tonight, but I'm not sure if I'm ready...to date." he politely made himself clear.

seungcheol chuckled, "okay, then let's be friends. jeonghan, I'm a pretty patient guy." soon they reached dorm room 104 and their friend date was slowly coming to an end.

"I'd like that, see you around?" seungcheol nodded and they said their fare wells.

as seungcheol was halfway down the hall, he stopped and turned, "jeonghan," he raised his voice, watching as the blonde looked up from unlocking his door. "that guy was dumb for moving on from you."

he turned around and started walking away again, leaving jeonghan tongue tied.

I'm surprised I've been writing a constantly, probably won't be for long yikes.

broken-hearted; jeongcheolWhere stories live. Discover now