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the next morning, jeonghan's eyes fluttered open slowly the the bright lights beaming through the window.

at first, he didn't realize it but now he feels it. his head feels as if there is as hammer banging his skull.

as he finally begins to take in his surrounding and fully awaken, there he sees seungcheol.

his mouth slightly open with his eyes closed. his dark black hair is ruffled and going in different directions and his light snores escape his throat.

jeonghan's heart skipped a few beats.

he half smiled, seungcheol looked so peaceful, so comfortable and jeonghan didn't want him to wake up because then this would end.

jeonghan brought his hand up to seungcheol's cheek and light began to rub it with the back of his fingers. his face was smooth and cold, like marble. his skin was milky white and absolutely memorizing.

jeonghan was afraid to wake him up, afraid to ruin this moment. it was then, he realized that he was indeed in love with him. that he was head over fucking heels in love with choi seungcheol and this made his stomach fill up with butterflies.

“youre staring... ” seungcheol murmered. his pink lips slightly moving as he pulled the two of them closer.

jeonghan's face began to heat up, he had been caught.

“err, no... I'm admiring!” jeonghan giggled as he watched the other smile because of his comment.

“whatever stalker!”

both boys were filling the small room with their laughs and morning breath.

“its nine thirty, we should –”

“no.” jeonghan whispered, wrapping his arms around seungcheol's neck. “ let's just stay like this forever.”

cheesily, the older smiled at his significant other. he would not love anything more than this, to just hold jeonghan. forever.

but, life calls.

“i think I need to puke,” jeonghan climbed out of the bed still in his boxers and ran out towards the bathroom. seungcheol following suit.

jeonghan leaned over the toilet and there goes all if his stomach, it was painful. the burning sensation made him uncomfortable.

“fuck,” seungcheol murmured as he rubbed the youngers back. trying not to throw up himself.

“this is why I don't drink excessively.” jeonghan weakly giggled. “so much for never leaving your bed.”

“i think this more than just the alcohol, maybe you should see a doctor? what if you're sick, or worse. Holy shit—”

“dude, calm yourself! ” jeonghan raised his hand to shut him up. he slowly starting to get up before shaking his head at a quick speed. “no no no, ” he placed his head back over the toilet.

as jeonghan was actually releasing his guts, they could hear faint shuffles of footsteps in the hall.

they both knew it must be his roonate.

“told you that you shouldn't be drinking so much cheol. I get it you're a bartender and all but—” jisoo paused when he saw it was not seungcheol with his head over the toilet.

jeonghan looked up, the familiar voice sending chills down his spine.

once their eyes met, jisoo dropped the mug he was holding. coffee splattering everywhere.

“fuck jisoo!”

“shit ...” jeonghan whispered before leaning over the toilet again.

ayoooo sorry for taking forever, I've been busy with school. Ill try and update more frequently! Sorry, I love ya! not edited btw.

broken-hearted; jeongcheolWhere stories live. Discover now