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"what're you doing jeonghan?" seungcheol whined, his eyes shut tight while his wrist was gripped softly by jeonghan's warm palm.

jeonghan shushed the boy as they made their way through the park, a small giggle escaping his lips. he let go of seungcheol's wrist and told him to still keep his closed.

taking a few steps, jeonghan sat down on the blanket, "okay open."

seungcheol slowly opened one of his eyes before fully opening them. once his eyes laid on jeonghan and what he had set up, a warm fuzzy feeling flowed through his body.

they were in the same spot seungcheol first kissed jeonghan, there the boy sat on a thin purple blanket. on the blanket was a fake candlelight and two containers of frozen yogurt and a pack of alcoholic drinks.

jeonghan remember exactly what seungcheol added to it, and that made his body even more weak with joy.

"seungcheol, I'm sure standing for the next hour or so wouldn't be as comfortable," the older boy chuckled at jeonghan's mimicking. he walked over and sat down beside him.

he picked up the tub of frozen yogurt and shoved a spoonful into his mouth. he has eaten this numerous amounts of time, but for some reason it tasted completely different. it tasted sweeter.

for awhile they ate in silence, enjoying the each other's presence. seungcheol felt his cheek turn warm and every now and then he'd catch a glimpse of jeonghan peacefully shoving his spoon into the yogurt.

"seungcheol?" his voice was smooth. seungcheol gave his undivided attention to jeonghan. "I want you to know why I brought you here."

seungcheol watched as the sun set shined off of jeonghan's face. the deep reds and golden yellows made jeonghan's skin looked sunkissed. even his freckled were glowing.

"the last time we came here, you kidnapped me but that isn't the point, I claimed to just wanna be friends but really your fucking award winning smile made my heart skip beats," seungcheol paid full attention to jeonghan's word. indulging in every single one of them. "and I realized seungcheol that you put so much effort into caring for me and I never  once made the effort you did."

seungcheol was trying his best to keep up with jeonghan, but he was failing. but the sincerity in jeonghan's eyes made seungcheol's stomach churn a bit.

"I guess, what I'm trying to say is I want to know more about you. so I don't want to talk about me at all, only you," jeonghan smiled, turning to see seungcheol with both eyebrows raised. his spoon hanging out his mouth. "as in right now."

seungcheol smiled, he truly was falling so hard for this boy. he knew jeonghan had high barriers, but he saw that he was slowly pushing them down for seungcheol.

and so seungcheol asked; "what do you want to know?"

jeonghan wanted to know everything, all of it. just as much as seungcheol knew about him. and so, until the sun had completely set jeonghan asked as many questions he could think of.

everything from his favorite color to his first loss, and seungcheol truthfully answered. all of them, he even told jeonghan about the girl.

and that is when jeonghan realized they both were in the same boat, only seungcheol felt as if he couldn't leave and jeonghan knew that he could.

jeonghan figured they were just two broken hearts.

the younger devoured each word seungcheol said, finding deeper meanings trying to understand him more because if they were going to do this jeonghan didn't want to miss a thing.

and to his surprise, seungcheol was extremely different from what jeonghan had assumed and he absolutely adored it.

a big, gigantic smile was plastered on his face while he watched the older boy talk. he noticed how seungcheol's eyes sparkled when he talked about something he loved,  or they way they closed a bit when he discussed something upsetting.

he had a habit of bitting his lips in between stories, and sometimes he would get distracted and start a whole new story completely losing jeonghan.

"what?" seungcheol asked, grabbing his forearm and rubbing it.

"I was gonna say something extra cheesy but I don't feel like cringing so I'll settle on a kiss," jeonghan said in a matter of fact tone. he watched as seungcheol's face flushed. then without warning placed a kiss on seungcheol's bright rosy colored lips.

when he pulled away, seungcheol covered half his face with his hand his whole face was redder than a tomato.

"asshole," his voice was muffled.

"I know."


broken-hearted; jeongcheolWhere stories live. Discover now