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four days.

it has been exactly ninety six hours since seungcheol kissed jeonghan. as he sat inside his class, he watched as the teachers mouth moved but the sound was muffled—almost muted— as jeonghan thought about seungcheol.

during the four days, each morning seungcheol left a yellow flower at jeonghan's door.

see you after you finish with those fancy pencils

the note read, he smiled as he held today's sticky note in his hand. he rubbed the wrinkles from it being stuffed in his pocket, he loved his handwriting.

"what's got you so cheesy at eight in the morning?"

his attention was now back to the real world, he watched as seungkwan was sketching the bowl of fruit, "n-nothing."

his friend rolled his eyes, lying to him was worth the shot, although it did not work.

"bullshit, spill it baby," he whispered while his hand moved across the large piece of thin paper.

"let's just say I don't know if I'm catching feelings," jeonghan rested his forehead on his drawing. shutting his eyes. "why do I do this to myself?"

jeonghan realized that he did indeed like seungcheol and he was beating himself up over it. all the scary thoughts would run through his mind during the a.m.

what if he is like him? what if he is lying? is he worth the pain? what if he just hurts you? can you handle that kind of pain again?

the kind of pain where you can not breathe because it feels as if someone stuck their hand inside your chest and slowly twisted your heart.

"listen, it's been awhile since..." seungkwan avoided saying his name, which jeonghan mentally thanked him for. "anyways, it's been awhile and I think you should go for it cause lord knows how long it's been since you got any ass."

jeonghan choked on his own saliva as seungkwan did not seem the slightly bit phased by his comment.

"alright, class is dismissed, don't forget your final exam project is due next month," the teacher reminded them.

seungkwan and jeonghan began to pack up their things and others were now exiting. the two boys walked out together, still discussing jeonghan's heart problems.

"so, who is it that's got you awake so early?" he asked as jeonghan let the door shut behind them.

just as he was about to answer, said boy shouted while jogging towards the other two.

his thick ebony colored hair flopped up and down as his feet hit the ground, the smile —that managed to make jeonghan need to remember to breathe— plastered across his porcelain skin.

"jeonghan, hey," seungcheol was now standing in front of the two, his hand on his hips while he catches his breathe not even realizing the other boy. "told you I'd be here."

jeonghan did his best to hide the excitement he felt when the older boy showed up.

he cleared his throat, "yeah I-I read your note idiot."

as soon as he mentioned the note, seungkwan let out a loud dramatic gasp. earning both of their attention, he dropped his bag and quickly snapped out of his two second trance.

that is when seungcheol realized who was standing next to jeonghan.

"s-seungkwan?" he asked, his tone was filled with disbelief.

"you two know each other?" jeonghan helped pick up the rest of seungkwan things.





the two boys shared a look that jeonghan did not miss, but let slide as he propped up his right eyebrow.

"so, is that a yes or a no?"

"we only have seen each other, strangers practically," seungcheol began. nudging the shocked seungkwan in the shoulder.

"err, yes?" he agreed with his friend in a an unconvincing voice. "listen, jeonghan I got to get going, see you tomorrow." and by the end of the sentence, seungkwan was half way down the hallway making a left turn.

"wonder what's up with him," jeonghan stood next seungcheol.

"who cares," seungcheol wrapped his arm around jeonghan's neck. "because I got something planned..."

jeonghan painfully removed the warm arm, feeling the cool air suddenly hit his neck again, "friends." he reminded him as they began to walk.

"sorry seungcheol, I may have to take a rain check—"

"no can do." before jeonghan could begin arguing, seungcheol was already dragging him half way out the building.

although he would not say it, jeonghan like the sudden contact and visit he made and the yellow flowers he left.

he liked so much, because how could he not like this boy just as much as seungcheol liked him.

shimmy shimmy koko bop! Im in love with this song ;'-). I'm at the library again, and sorry this kinda sucks.

broken-hearted; jeongcheolWhere stories live. Discover now