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jeonghan was complaining the whole way that room checks were at eleven and they would never make it back in time, when really he was just nervous about his current situation.

"can you at least tell me where you're taking me, against my own will?" jeonghan sighed in defeat.

"jeonghan, has anyone ever told you what a worry wart you are?" seungcheol chuckled as he turned the car into an empty parking lot, it was slightly lit with the lamps.

taking in his surroundings as both boys exited the car, jeonghan was dumbfounded. seungcheol had taken him to a park so late, maybe he was planning his death. the consequences of rejecting one's love.

after slamming the trunk shut, the older boy was carrying a blanket.

jeonghan raised an eyebrow, "if you're planning on killing me...don't throw me in the lake."

seungcheol chuckled one hard laugh, "noted."

seungcheol grabbed hold of jeonghan's wrist and walked him towards a hill, he chose a spot closest to the middle of the steep hill. the younger watched as he laid the blanket across the ground and began to fix the corners.

jeonghan began to chew on his bottom lip as seungcheol laid on the blanket, should I lay with him?

"jeonghan," his tone was playful as he spoke. "I'm sure standing for the next twenty minutes or so wouldn't be as comfortable."

he patted his hand, gesturing for him to come lay next to him. hesitantly, he walked over and lowered himself to the spot next to seungcheol.

jeonghan did not quite understand why seungcheol brought him here, it was eating him alive. he had so many questions.

"this place," he breathed. "it's my favorite place near campus. the sky is so clear, the stars are so vibrant here."

as jeonghan's gaze was now up towards the night sky, words were not enough to explain the beauty. the dark navy blue background made the small dots glimmer so brightly, the trees in the distant were ebony against the sky. their sizes varying.

it was absolutely breathtaking.

"you know, I've taken so many pictures here," he chuckled lightly.

"so, mr photographer, why'd you bring me here?"

"cause I like you," he nonchalantly said.

seungcheol propped himself onto his shoulder, he was now looking into jeonghan's eyes.

the younger boy gulped. his heart was banging against his rib cage begging to escape because his chest was not a big enough confinement for the way seungcheol made it race.

"I know you said let's just be friends, and yesterday I was content with that." he admitted. "but then I saw you again and I have no idea why my stupid heart began to race."

jeonghan leaned on his arm as well, now the boys were facing each other.


"listen I get it, you were hurt before and you barely know me, and yes the first time we met I was shirtless," the small waves could be heard in the distance as he paused. "but," he laid back down. "I think I really really like you."

he did, like this boy a lot. much more then even he knew was possible

"you don't necessarily know that you do," jeonghan commented. "all that could change within seconds and then you'll leave and I don't think..."

I don't think I could handle that, not again. his thoughts were silent and painful as jisoo and seokmin popped into his mind.

it was silent. so silent that the breeze could be heard as it passed their ears.

"it's not that I don't find myself attracted to you, because I do and it frustrates me. it's because I don't trus—"

jeonghan was rudely interrupted by seungcheol's soft, warm lips. his lips pressed against the artists with care, the only response the younger could give was returning it.

because he was too tired to fight his attraction.

jeonghan raised his right hand and placed it on the others cheek, pulling him closer. seungcheol laid jeonghan on his back again, and was now hovering over him as their lips glided together in smooth motions.

soon, they both needed to breathe again.

both of their eyes were still shut, "just give me a chance jeonghan. I'm not him."

"you certainly know how to get what you want," jeonghan exhaled heavily, leaning on his forearm now.

"I'll take that as a yes!"

seungcheol moved a piece of jeonghan's blonde hair out his face and dragged his fingers gently down the side of his cheek. he pulled his chin up, pulling him closer to his own face, he rested his forehead against the younger boys.

jeonghan was in complete awe at seungcheol's actions, he needed to remember to breathe.

as seungcheol was about to lean in for another kiss, jeonghan stopped him.

"I like you," he started, his voice low and patchy. "but I barely know you..."

"fine," seungcheol's lips were parted as his teeth rested on top of each other. "we can be friends, for now, but I'm not gonna give up. at all."

seungcheol pulled jeonghan's face to his, stopping himself as they were only inches away from each other. he stared, watching how the moonlight shone of every part of jeonghan's perfect face.

then, he pushed his lips once more into his, making sure to savor every moment since he did not know when he would receive another.

and jeonghan let him because it has been so long since he felt such adoration.

I make myself cry also this was quick and kinda shitty lol sorry and I have an idea for junhao fic but idk hhhh

broken-hearted; jeongcheolWhere stories live. Discover now