e p i l o g u e

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jeonghan's eyes fluttered open, the sunlight shined through the curtains as he began to fully awaken.

he rolled over, only to find that he was the only one in the bed. he frowned as his hand rubbed the empty side of the bed.

“why do you always wake up before me,” he grumbled before sitting up and stretching his arms. he pushed the blankets and shuffled to the hallway, it was even brighter than their room, the sides of the walls had pictures hanging.

of the four of them.

the aroma of seungcheol's cooking filled his nose the closer he got to the kitchen. a soft smile appeared on his face.

not wanting to reveal he was awake, jeonghan peeked around the wall.

seungcheol was still in his pajamas, his hair a complete mess—even more with a thin layer of white powder covering it.

“okay, formation!” seungcheol stood tally in front of the two children while holding a spatula in his hand. “bella, take the whisk and begin to mix. jinyoung, you're in charge—hey why is there a tablet in your hand? ”

the younger boy just blankly looked up to his father and groaned, handing him the device which was replaced with plates.

“you can set up the table,” the boy just shook his head before heading towards the table.

“whats my task sir?” jeonghan finally revealed his presence, his heart was warm as he watched seungcheol.

“DADDY YOURE AWAKE!” bella jumped down from the chair and ran to hug jeonghan. he lifted up the younger girl and she whispered to his ear.

“dad!” jinyoung ran to hug him as well, but was a tall enough to reach jeonghan's waist.

jeonghan had barely woke up and was covered in two kids, about to be three as seungcheol began to walk towards him as well.

“good morning,” seungcheol grinned softly as he leaned in and pecked jeonghan on the lips.

the two little ones scrunched up their noses and shook their heads, “soonyoung told us that means your gonna have a baby.”

jeonghan nearly choked to death on his own spit once jinyoung spoke. the two boys smiled at each other before rolling their eyes.

“come you guys, back to your stations! you,” seungcheol pointed to jeonghan. “you get to butter the pancakes.”

jinyoung finished setting up the table while bella mixed the batter the best she could—mind you she's very delicate like jeonghan.

as they all crowded the kitchen, laughing and joking as breakfast was being made, jeonghan felt content. he looked at jinyoung, the first child they adopted.

he smiled when he remembered seeing jinyoung being much smaller in the orphanage, coloring alone in the corner. after the two boys greeted him, he stole their hearts.

then his memory converted to bella's, she was just a baby when they adopted her. she was loud and needy, but when she slept seungcheol would lay her next to him.

his train of though was interrupted as seungcheol clinked cups together and had everyone sit at the table.

“man im starving,” seungcheol said as he sat the kids down. “today's a nice day how bout after we eat we'll meet soonyoung and jihoon at the park and you guys can play with youngguk?”

the kids cheered before shoving chunks of their pancakes into their mouth.

their breakfast was filled with joy as they all carried on conversations of this and that. they told jokes and stories, the kids shared their thoughts as well.

as jeonghan was washing up the dishes, he stared out the window and saw how the leaves in their yard began pilling up.

the tan color of the world caused him to smile as he added more soap to the sponge.

“what?” seungcheol asked as he entered the kitchen with a total around his neck.

“nothing, I'm just really happy.” jeonghan turned around and saw seungcheol chuckling. his hair was wet and all he had on were his bottoms. “you know I love you?”

the older boy walked closer to him and wrapped his hands around jeonghan's waist, pulling him closer to him.

“if I didn't I'd probably be tearing up,” jeonghan had his hands around seungcheol's neck and pulled him down slowly.

they connected their lips into a warm, loving kiss.

“i love you too jeonghan.


jeonghan couldn't supress the laughter and leaned into seungcheol's chest as they both laughed at their child.

“let's settle this before world war three breaks out,” seungcheol snorted.

as they let go from each other's embrace, seungcheol held out  his hand and jeonghan interlaced their fingers.

“here goes nothing.”

just a Lil something special. Love you xoxo.

broken-hearted; jeongcheolWhere stories live. Discover now