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"please jeonghan, please," soonyoung whined as he followed the blonde boy around their dorm. convincing the older boy to do anything was a complete work out, "it'll only be a few people."

"no," jeonghan continued to add finishing touches to the portrait he was working on in class three days ago, suddenly he got flashbacks of him falling onto their model.

how embarrassing, he bit his lip.

"jeonghan, it's been seven months," suddenly the atmosphere shifted, both of them were now a little serious once soonyoung said those words. "you need to go, have fun and live. fall in love again, or don't."

jeonghan scoffed, "soonyoung, im not going." he placed his pencil down and blankly stared at the drawing.

"fine, you know where I'll be, you should consider really moving on jeonghan," soonyoung turned and left jeonghan alone inside his colorfully lit bedroom.

as time went by, the sun began to go down and jeonghan tried to find various activities to keep himself occupied. he ate, drew, danced, and now he was watching television. he groaned as he flipped through the channels, he laid back on his bed and stared at the plain white ceiling.

he was bored, on a saturday night he was inside his dorm room watching a home and decor channel; because what channel would play something interesting on a saturday night?

it was only eight thirty, he turned his head to his closet and suddenly soonyoung's voice was echoing inside his head.

"I really hate you soonyoung," jeonghan mumbled as he made his way to his closet.

* * *

the night club was quite packed, as he made his way through the crowd of people a few drops of alcohol had been spilled on him. he was in search of soonyoung, but of course the bastard was no where to be found.

so, he made his way towards the bar, taking a seat on an empty stool near the end of the large counter. he watched as the bartender impressed his customers by mixing various types of drinks, jeonghan had to admit, it was pretty interesting.

he watched the bartender, swearing he looked somewhat familiar. his raven colored hair, the structure of his hands, then again he knew he could have just been over reading the situation.

"jeonghan, you made it!" the familiar obnoxious voice called out, jeonghan turned his head to see a sweaty soonyoung followed by a semi-annoyed mingyu. "im glad you came, let's order some drinks, SEUNGCHEOL!"

once jeonghan watched the bartender turn around, he could feel the apple of his cheeks turn a light shade of pink and the room temperature must have rose.

"you know, I can't always attend to your every call...," as he opened his eyes from smiling widely, he carried out the end of his sentence once he laid eyes on a flustered jeonghan. "hey, you're the kid from the art class."

jeonghan just nodded, "oh yeah, I walked in on the two of you mingling." soonyoung playfully spoke, earning himself a slap from mingyu in the middle of his chest. "jeonghan, this is seungcheol, he's a good friend of mingyu and I."

jeonghan just smiled at the boy, still embarrassed from earlier in the week. soonyoung chugged the glass of water, before turning to leave, "wait, where are you going?"

"where do you think," he continued walking leaving the two alone, an awkward silence filled the room.

"so, jeonghan, what can I get you tonight? I don't known if you could tell, I'm quite good at my job," seungcheol attempted to break the awkward atmosphere in hopes of befriending the blonde.

"I don't really drink, for safety reason," he fiddled with the napkin in front of him, "by the way, sorry for the other day."

he heard the bartender laugh, looking up jeonghan was mesmerized with his smile. it was so bright, so beautiful, almost entrancing as well as contagious, his perfectly white teeth were revealed as his plump, pink lips parted.

"no, don't even apologize, it was an accident," seungcheol continued to dry the cup he was holding "so, jeonghan who doesn't drink for safety reasons, if you don't drink, why're you here?"

jeonghan directed his gaze to a certain someone dancing his heart out on the dance floor, then turned back to seungcheol who understandingly nodded his head.

"well...," seungcheol started, "if you don't like it here, my shift ends in about," he raised his wrist to check the time on his silver watch "ten minutes and I know this great mexican grill that's open for twenty four hours."

"is that you asking me on a date inside a bar, at nine forty seven pm?" jeonghan questioned.


"sorry, but no, we only just met each other three days ago, and you were shirtless," jeonghan declined his offer, hoping he would leave it at that.

"are you straight?"

"w-what?...no." jeonghan replied, taken back by the question.

"in a relationship?"

jeonghan shook his head.

"do you like mexican food?"

"well, of course."

"great then its settled, see you in ten minutes," he was quite persistent with this boy, but he didn't really know why. maybe it's because he felt attracted to him, or maybe it was because he like the way jeonghan carried himself.

"you barely know me, why would-"

"then I'll get to know you, just go with me? consider this whole thing on me, im sure you don't wanna spend your saturday night watching soonyoung dance."

jeonghan was silent because he was right, but still, he barely knew seungcheol. then again, he could tell the bartender with the gorgeous smile wasn't going to give up and he really did enjoy mexican food.


again, I didn't edit this: point out mistakes if ya see them?? but I love my sons, might add some texting chaps idk.

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