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seungcheol sat inside jeonghan's bedroom, watching as the younger boys hand slid across the small book in his lap.

“i don't understand,” seungcheol groaned while laying back on the bed.

the events from four days ago still playing in his mind, the first few times jeonghan threw up were because he did catch a stomach flu but he insists the last was because of his roommate.

“what aren't you getting?” jeonghan annoyingly asked.

he was still trying to wrap his head around the situation, why? why is all that kept repeating itself in his mind. why did it have to be him? why did seungcheol have to be roommates with him?

it felt like the universe just purely hated jeonghan and wanted to see him suffer.

“you and jisoo? that's who the guy was?”

jeonghan just nodded, he figured he had moved on from the boy but seeing him brought all his pent up emotions, he was not too sure what to do with them.

and knowing that the boy he is in love with lives right next to the boy he despises, jeonghan really wished this stomach flu would just take him.

“im sorry....”seungcheol rolled over and looked up at the boy.

“for what?”

jeonghan furrowed his brows, why was he saying sorry?

“if I had just taken you home, then you wouldn't have had to see him...”

although jeonghan was thinking why, seungcheol was thinking what?

what could this mean for them?

he knew that as of now, they were both deeply in love. but the older boy could not help the lingering thought in the back of his mind that jeonghan may still have feelings for jisoo.

it began to build fear inside of him.

he couldn't get over it, these sudden feelings of insecurity and jealousy flushed his body.

a cool, smooth hand touching his brought him away from these vulgar thoughts. moving his eyes to the sudden contact, there lay jeonghan's hands over his.

“listen, none of this you should be sorry for. neither of us knew, it was inevitable,” jeonghan comforted him.

“what're we going to do?”

jeonghan could read his expression like an open book, it was a look he had known all too well. he gently caressed his lovers hand, before he shifted in his position so his head was now rested in seungcheol's chest with his arm wrapped around his torso.

“nothing,” he spoke. “seeing him means nothing, he's just an insignificant part of my past.”

it was quiet for a bit. jeonghan wanted nothing more than to know what seungcheol was thinking. what thoughts were terrorizing him.

“seungcheol?” jeonghan moved again so he could clearly see the boys face.

his milky skin now looked like he had managed to get a tan because the sunset was bleeding through the blinds illuminating the two of them.


“maybe you're not even thinking too much of this situation, but I just want you to know that I love you.” jeonghan slowly lowered his face.

he placed a kiss on seungcheol's forehead, then on his temple then his nose and his cheeks.

seungcheol just giggled before wrapping his arms around jeonghan and rolling them over so their positions were switched.

jeonghan stared in awe as seungcheol stayed smiling above him.

“you know, I think I love you too...” seungcheol pretended he was thinking about his sentence, earning a small slap in the chest.

just as seungcheol was going to kiss jeonghan, his phone began to ring.

“interrupted by life once again,” he groaned as  he got up and answered his phone. “hello?”

jeonghan watched as he mumbled a few yeses and 'mhms' before saying goodbye and hanging up.

“i didn't realize it, but I'm actually thirty minutes late to work..luckily minghao checked me in. I'll come by later,” he quickly pecked jeonghan on the lips like an unfinished goodbye before heading out.

jeonghan laid back down, his head hitting the fluffy pillow.

he really did love seungcheol, but seeing jisoo made his stomach churn. he was not sure about him, was it closure they needed? or was it just the jeonghan supressed too much feelings when it came to him?

before he realized it, he had fallen asleep.

soon, maybe a an hour or four later, that is when he heard a few soft knocks from the door. he got up and shuffled out of his bedroom and towards the door.

“seungcheol you know you can just walk....” he looked up, and to his surprise it was not seungcheol. it was jisoo. “o-oh..”

“hey,” he let out a breathy response.

“jeonghan guess what, I bought another house plant its a—” soonyoung stopped mid sentence when he saw who was at their doorway.

dropping the mini cactus all over the wooden floor.

“the heck!” he murmured.

I stg jisoo always coming up at inconvenient times lol. anyways here's another chapter ily <3

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