# Taylor Swift - The Story Of Us
The three of them were soon at the top of the roof.
"Woah. Hold my hand, Sarah. I can't have you falling off the roof." Selena said, grasping Sarah's hand.
"Don't worry. My balance is fine." Sarah said rolling her eyes but holding Selena's hand nevertheless.
"Alright girls, Let's hop on. We don't have much time to spare." Nick said, going over to Snowy.
"Umm...Hop on where?" Selena said, looking confused.
Nick mentally facepalmed himself. He had forgotten that mortals can't see his sleigh. Unless...
"Here. Wear this Necklace. You too honey." Nick said as he handed over the necklaces that he fished out of the pocket to Selena and Sarah.
The necklaces were one of a kind. They were all made of silver, with moonstones in the middle. It was in some kind of complex symbol, and Selena couldn't tear her eyes away from it.
"Give it here." Nick said as he took the necklace from Selena. Selena tried to protest but soon froze as Nick stood behind her, pulling her hair to one side and gently clasped the necklace around her neck.
Nick felt his hands slightly shake. As he stood behind Selena holding the necklace, he couldn't help but notice how small she was. Thinking how she must have worked hard at such a young age, all by herself made him both mad and protective. He wanted her to live her life, free of responsibilities. As he pulled aside her hair, they both froze for a minute. Touching her hair, It had brought out a sensation that they didn't expect. In a daze, he gently put the necklace around her neck.
Selena wasn't quite sure why she had to wear the necklace. The necklace was quite beautiful, but what did it do good with the question she asked?
"Selena, look!" Sarah said as she ran toward a reindeer. Wait, what?!
"What the hell?! There are reindeer on my roof..?" Selena held her breath. She swore there weren't any reindeer before.
"Hop in Sweetheart." Nick said as he smirked at Selena.
Selena scowled as she tapped her feet. Was that even safe?
"Selena come on!" Sarah said in the back of the sleigh.
"Yeah, Selena come on! Are you afraid?" Nick said, clearly amused.
"Fine. This had better be worth it." Selena grumbled as she climbed on the sleigh.
"Everyone aboard? Good." Nick said as he worked the dashboard. They were soon off to the clear sky.

Santa's Little Helpers (Editing)
Ficção GeralNick has been living a boring life, preparing for Christmas year after year. After 'The Incident', Nick has lost the meaning to truly live. That is until he meets two sisters that will give his life an 180 turn. Will this Santa Claus be able to go...