Movie night

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Johns POV

The Schuyler sisters are coming over to watch a movie. I don't know how 7 people are going to crowd round 1 small laptop,but I'm looking forward to it.

"John, what would you rather watch, Heathers or Mean girls?" Hercules and Alex came in holding two DVD's. "that's a tough one but heathers all the way!" "HA YES I LOVE HEATHERS!" Alex couldn't stop smiling.Hercules scoffed holding the mean girls DVD and sulked on his bed.

There was a knock at the door and Peggy came in shouting "Hi ga- guys.We brought the popcorn! What movie are we going to watch?"
"Heathers" "YESSS!!!!" Angelica and Eliza high fived. "It's not that good"Hercules muttered under his breath.

Alex stepped forward. "Did you bring the projector?" "Yep, ThomASS Jeffyboi was passed out on the couch when I took it."
Peggy stole? ThomASS jeffyboi?

"Oh god john you must be so confused right now! It sounds like I stole it.Aaron Burr, a mutual friend of Alex's said we could borrow it."


Lafayette and mulligan started taking posters off a wall and putting mattresses on the floor.
"Hurry up mon ami's la theâtre is ready!"

Half an hour later

Oh crap, I fell asleep halfway through.
I didn't even realize that Alexander had fallen asleep on my leg and that Peggy had fallen asleep on Alexander. Eliza and Angelica were also asleep. Angelica had rolled off the mattress and Eliza was taking up 60% of the mattress. The only people who were awake were Herc and Laf; he was lying on Hercules' lap whilst Herc was running his hands through his hair and kissing his forehead.

Everything was calm.The one time I tried having a movie night at home I wanted to watch the princess diaries and my father hit me so hard I couldn't hear for two hours. It feels like nobody else in the world could have had a worse past.
The constant anxiety which lived inside me was dead.

"Damn Alex looks cute right now." I whispered so quietly.

I'm so tired. I'm going back to bed.

Alex's POV

I don't think john knew I was awake.

A/N I'm sorry for the short chapter but it was more of a filler chapter to keep the plot moving. Forward.

Also ignore my terrible French

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