The truth is coming out

391 14 7

John Laurens POV

Trigger warning: ⚠️⚠️
homophobic language and actions.


I opened the door to see my father stood holding his phone and with an annoyed look on his face.
He stepped in the room.
The tension was so think you could cut with a knife.

"I hear you've been seeing someone."
My heart stopped.
"Is it this man behind you?"
I can't move.
This is bad.
"I have something to show you."
He pulled out his phone and pressed play on a voicemail.

Angelicas voice played back.

"Um... hellooo sir. Your son is dating Alexander Hamilton."

She told my father.
How could she do this?

"Father... I.."
"I don't want to hear it. You are an embarrassment to your family and friends. You disgusting f*g."

The room went silent. Herc and laf were on there bunks. Alex was hyperventilating and I was frozen.
"You can't speak to him like that"
Alex stopped shaking and balled his fists. "What gives you the right." " Alex, you don't have to do this." "I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT BECAUSE HE IS MY SON!"


"fine. Since you care so much, maybe you can pay for Johns tuition and his housing and his credit card."

"Father please!"

"Goodbye Jack."

And he slammed the door.

A/N- this chapter is very short but prepare for more shit regarding Angelica in the next chapter.

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