Words fail

413 15 8

Angelica POV

I've fucked up this time.

Eliza and Peggy are giving me the cold shoulder.

John and Alex hate me.

Laffayette and Hercules hate me.

All my friends hate me.

I fucked everything up and I don't know what to do.

Alex. The guy that I've been in love with for two and a half years has rejected me. Who can blame him?

I'm gonna go and talk to them.

I call Alex's number
*the number you are trying to call is blocked."

I decide to go to their room.

I knock on the door.

Laf answers.

"Hey laf" I say nervously.
He slams the door in my face.

I need to fix this.

"Please open the door I just want to talk."

John answers.

I half smiled.
"You almost ruined my life because you were jealous. I don't know if I can ever trust you again."
"John I'm so so sorry. I was drunk I was tired and I was jealous. I hate me too but I really want us to move past this. Please can we?"

"We can on one condition"
"You call my father and tell him that I'm dating a girl named Martha Mannings."

"I'll do it."

He handed me the phone. The picture of him and Alex as his home screen made my stomach churn with envy but  I pushed it down and dialled the phone.

"Hello. Henry Laurens."

"Who is this?"

"Im a friend of Johns."

"What is this about?"

" I just wanted to inform you that your wise words have ended johns relationship and he has quickly moved on to a woman named Martha Mannings."

"That's good to know. Tell him that I'm coming to visit tomorrow to we him and his girlfriend."

"Goodbye sir"

He hung up.

"Thanks Angelica."

"No problem" I said smiling.

"How are you going to find someone to pretend to be your girlfriend?"

"Martha will you come here for a minute?"

A read headed girl in a low cut top and pink lipstick walked over.

"Angelica Id like you to meet Martha Mannings, she's a good friend of mine and she's staying at our place."

" hi." She smiled at me.

"How do you too know each other?"

"We met when we were 16 and we went out for a while."

An ex girlfriend staying at his house. Weird.

"Do you all want to go and grab a coffee and I can get to know Martha and apologise to the boys."

"That sounds good."

John turned to his room.
They walked to the door took a look at me and froze.

"Hey guys. I'm so so so sorry and words fail to even explain the guilt I feel."

John turned to Alex.
"She's called my father and told him that I'm in a relationship with Martha. He's visiting tomorrow but he will stay on to pay my tuition."


"Lets go for some coffee."

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