The storm

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A/N- classic, I know but y'all knew this chapter was coming because it's a Lams fic soooo......

John Laurens' POV

I sat on my bed, underneath Alexanders bunk and across from herc. It was nice having them in the room for once as they're always off somewhere together."Quel temps fait-il aujourd'hui"  A/N- it means what is the weather today btw. Laf said looking over at the window."why don't you just check on your phone?"Herc chimed in. "It's flat." "Why do you ask anyway?" " I was thinking about all of us going on a picnic."
"Sorry mon ami, it's gonna be heavy storms from 11 till 12, even when the rain stops it'll still be muddy."
"Where is Alexander?" Laf sounded concerned and Herc started giving worried looks.
"He's at the Library, why?"
Herc came over and patted me on the shoulder. "Ever since the hurricane back in the Caribbean, Alexander has developed some anxiety for storms and rain. He has panic attack even when it starts to drizzle."
Oh fuck no.
"Wait here I'll go and get him, how long do we have before the storm starts?" "15 minutes."
I grabbed my coat and ran out the door.
Since the library is all the way on the other side of campus I need to be quick.
I open the door to the library to see Alexander reading a book on law.
"Hey John, what are you doing here?"
"We have no time we need to go. Grab your things." I grab Alex's hand and run out the door. Rain. It's early. The raindrops hit Alexanders face and he goes white. Without saying a word he runs inside."ALEX!"

I open the door to see an empty library. I need to find him. "Can I help you with something dearie?" An Old woman with white hair and glasses walks up to me pushing a tray of books. "Um I'm looking for my friend. Have you seen him?" " no I'm sorry dear. Check the back room, it has all the non fiction books." "Thanks." I say as I fast- walk over to the back room.
He's not here.


I check my phone to see a text from Lafayette.

Largebaguette- have you found him yet?
Turtleboi- no, I had him but I lost him
Dadfriend- how can you loose a person?
Turtleboi- Idk but I'll text u when I find him.

I shut off my phone and sat at an empty desk. "How could I let this happen." My head in my hands, tears flowing freely down my face. I can't just lose him, I need him- to be found not that I NEED him need him but I do care about him. "I need him." I whispered to myself and sobbed. "I need you too, john." Alex was balled up under the desk, tear stained and sad. I moved the chair out the way and sat down next to him."I'm sorry you have to go through this. It must be awful." "I'm used to it." His voice was only just above a whisper. His head lay flat on my lap as I stroked his hair.

For the next hour I told him about my passion for drawing how my father had mistreated me."
"Why was he so awful to you?"
"He knew I wasn't straight and being the homophobic shit he is, he punished me for it." "You're gay?" Oh shit. I hadn't actually told him that yet have I? "Umm.... yeah. I thought I already told you.  Alex smiled a sweet sincere smile. We continued to talk about what our thoughts for the next season of voltron would be about and what Herc and Laf's children would look like."Oh shit. I forgot to tell the guys I found you. I got out my phone to text.

And that's when Alex kissed me.

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