Say no to this

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Johns POV

I feel like I'm going to be sick.

I feel dizzy like I'm going to faint

I have nothing left

I thought Angelica was my friend

How could she do this to me?

She's ruined my life.

I keep running down the street, unsure of where I'm going. I'm just running and running like life depends on it.

I'm holding back tears.

My dreams are useless now.

I need to stay in school.

I pick up the phone.

"Hey Martha, it's me. Can I come over?"

"Johnny, I knew you'd be back"

Her flirtatious voice brought back so many memories for me.

"Meet me at the park, 6pm"
She hung up.


Alex POV

"Herc, I've been calling and texting him for an hour and he's still not replied."

"Don't worry, he's just in shock, he'll answer soon."



Johns POV

What am I doing? I have a boyfriend.
I can't go back and call me ex now.
What's wrong with me?

"JOHNNY!" She yelled my name and ran over and gave me a hug.

"Hi Martha"

" I've missed you sooooo much like I've been with lots of guys and I mean a lot but nobody's even come close to you."

"Good to know"

"So are we doing this or what?"

"I'm sorry... doing what?"

"Just shut up and kiss me."

I don't break the kiss and I keep going, under the shirt, over her face and holding her hand

I'm a terrible person.

A/N I'm so sorry for not posting in a month but I've been so stressed out and I haven't had the time to update please forgive me :(

Freedom ~Hamilton college AUWhere stories live. Discover now