Journals and realisations

334 14 14

1 month later

Eliza POV

I sat on my bed under my favourite blue,fluffy blanket writing in my journal.

A lot has happened over the past month. Angelica,Alex and John are now as close as ever. After the whole incident with johns dad they weren't talking for a while but after the whole thing they had a long talk about feelings and stuff and now it's all good. It was pretty tense for awhile but now the storm is calm and all is good . Other things that happened this week were: Peggy and Maria bunked off a class to go and see love,simon, Herc tried cooking and somehow managed to burn carrots and John and Alex went uptown for work experience and will be back next week.

In other news, Martha and I have been hanging out a lot lately is been really nice. She is sooo pretty and funny and sweet. She is such a good friend. I don't have a crush on her or anything because I'm not into girls but I do like her as a person. I like the away her cheeks flush when she grins and how in the mornings she always hums while making breakfast and how her curly red hair flows down her back. She moved over from the guys' dorm into mine, Angies and Pegs and it's been so fun.she actually has a proper bed instead of sleeping on a mouldy couch.

"OH MY GOD!" I heard a voice scream from across the hall. I flung off my blanket, threw my journal on the bed and ran across the hall. I opened the door to find Herc curled up with his laptop in the pitch black with a huge bag of popcorn. he was bawling his eyes out. "Herc are you ok?"I knelt down next to him. "It was true love" my heart stopped. Was him and Lafayette ok? "Is it you and laf?" "What.. no. Glinda and Elphaba. They were in love."relief filled me like a rush of air. "Herc, are you talking about wicked?" He nodded with tears streaming down his face.

It's weird how he can pick up on stuff like that. We went to go and see that all together a few months ago and i just saw them as best friends.

I gave him a hug and headed back to my dorm.

I walked over to my bed and continued writing, when I was disturbed by someone entering the room. "Hey Eli" Martha walked through the door. "I've had a crap day, Mr Washington's lecture was so boring and then we got our essays back and he gave me a 64.87 which falls me behind target. I haven't even been at this school for that long and I'm already doing awful." She came and lay down next to me. "I don't know what to do because I've already pulled 2 all-nighters this week and I'm still falling behind in US history." Her hair was all over my face and it smells like strawberries. She turned to face me and stared at me. Her baby blue eyes locked with mine and gave me an out of body experience. I kissed up her neck and onto her lips the entire time feeling like a whole other person.

Maybe I'm a little gay.

A/N: hi it's me the most inconsistent author on wattpad. Sorry for not updating for a while but I've been really busy and have had no inspiration. I'll try and update more often but for now this is what I got.

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