Oh turtles

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Johns POV

3 months later

I got out of bed and rubbed my eyes, Alex was still sleeping. His hair was in a messy bun and he wore his green hoodie to bed because he is way to stubborn to take it off. I picked up my phone and checked the time, 5:45. Shit. It's the weekend. Oh well, may as well go to get a coffee. I tied my knotty curly hair into a loose ponytail, I need to do my laundry so I threw on Mulligans Spider-Man sweater, which he had left out on the chair. I grabbed my sketchbook and pencils and headed out the door in my slippers. It's weird, ever since I was a kid, once I woke up I couldn't fall back asleep no ,matter how hard I tried. I walked down the narrow hallway and headed outside.

I stepped into the empty coffee shop, ordered my coffee and headed to the park.I settled down on a bench near the pond to draw the environment. I find that I'm more creative in the mornings. I sketched away at the scenery, adding every detail. I sipped my coffee and sketched the morning sun hit the pond. I put my sketchbook down for a second and I noticed something rustling around in a nearby bush, I put my drink and drawing on my bench and headed over to check it out.

I got to the bush and saw a small turtle struggling in between the branches. The spikes on the bush hurt my hands as I desperately tried to move them off the turtle. I grabbed it and pulled it out of the bush. My hands were bleeding from the scratches from the bush and turtles shell was cracked and it was all scratched up. I grabbed my sketchbook and scooped the turtle onto it. I quickly texted Alex.

I headed back to the room, holding the turtle and trying not to panic

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I headed back to the room, holding the turtle and trying not to panic.

I pounded on the door to try and wake someone up. Laf opened the door as he said "do you know what time it is?" He looked at me and stared at the turtle. "John, what the fuck?" I barged past him and put the turtle on the desk. Everyone was awake now. "Alex hi and get me the medical tape from the bathroom. " what is going on?" "I found this turtle and it's badly hurt." Hercules chimed in "shouldn't we call a vet or something?" "No, they're expensive as shit and the marine biology course teaches you how to deal with this stuff."

20 mins later

The turtle was looking better and was munching on a piece of lettuce whilst we sat around it in a circle. "What shall we call zee thing?" Laf looked around awaiting an answer from me. "I don't know." Herc shot up and got excited like a small child. "FRENCH FRY!" "What." "LETS CALL HIM FRENCH FRY" "why?" "Because it seems right, unless anyone has any other suggestions." I smiled at Herc and agreed.

Welcome to the family French Fry.

A/N: I've not been sure on the direction that I want to lead this story so for now I think I'm going to add a few fluffy filler chapters because I feel like this story just needs some revolutionary bros fluff.

Also I'm seeing Hamilton in London on Friday! :D

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