The devils calling

407 15 21

Johns POV

Alex and I are at the park. It's a bright day, very green, if that even makes sense. Whatever. I'm currently sat alone on a bench waiting for Alex to get back with our slushees from the nearby 7 eleven.

*phone rings*

"Jack, I'm coming to your college. I'll be here by 1pm, don't be late."

"Father.. do I not even get a hello?"

*hangs up*

I can feel my stomach drop to my knees, my eyes full of tears. Father cannot come to YC not today. When he visits it's never good.

"John, are you ok? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"We need to get back to school."


"My fathers visiting."




I stand up and start walking back to school.

Fathers visits are never good

I get back to the dorm and see Herc and laf cuddling on Hercs bed.

"Mon ami, what's wrong?"

"My fathers visiting"


"We have to ungay the room, he's very homophobic and he is the person paying my tuition bill."


We start taking down the pride flag and the photographs of me and Alex.

I hate it when he comes to visit. He makes me want to curl up in a ball and die.

1 pm

The nerves set in. I can feel the anxiety in my stomach and my heartbeat in my ears.

Alex kisses me on the cheek, leans in and whispers "it'll be ok"

*knock* *knock*

A/N- We're almost at 700 reads holy shit

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