The schuyler sisters

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A/N I'm so happy that over 70 people have read my fanfic. It only seems like a small milestone but it's a big achievement for me so thanks :)

Peggy Schuyler POV

Dear Diary

I've been really stressed out at the moment because I've had feelings for this girl called Maria Renyolds. She's really pretty, smart and popular and waaayyy out of my league. Idk why but I just get this weird feeling that she likes me. I mean, If I'm with my sisters (who she also knows quite well) she will always say hi to me and give me a hug. Anyway somehow Thomas Jefferson found out and threatened to tell her unless I do all his homework. I feel like I should just suck it up and tell her and stop this bullying from Thomas but I really don't know what to do.

I sat up in bed and hid my diary under my mattress in its hidden spot. My plan for the afternoon: finish Thomas' homework and watch Star Wars episode 7. Maybe I'll draw if I have the time, but I never do as I have my class work and Jeffersons to do as well.

I wonder what Maria is doing right now?

Angelicas POV:

"Come on Eliza, if you had to choose between burning to death or drowning which would it be?" "What's actually wrong with you Angie?"
I got the room key out of my bag and turned the key to see Peggy sat on her bed watching Star Wars on her laptop. "I see you've been busy this afternoon"
"Yeah I've um- I've been doing homework." "Why didn't you come to the library with us then?" Eliza finally chipped in. "I just didn't want to." "Okay."

"Pegs,how do you feel about Chinese for dinner?" "Yeah that would be great." "Yess I really need some sweet and sour right now"
"I'll go and get the menus from the boys."

I walked across the hall to see Alexander sat at his desk writing while John was sat on his bed drawing.
"Where's herc and laf?"
"Date night." Alex muttered back.
"Do you guys want to come over and have Chinese, we're gonna order some.
"Yeah ok see you in a half hour."
I have loved Alexander since the moment I met him. It felt like I was finally making progress with him,until Laurens showed up.

Eliza's POV

I have never been an 'out there' type of person. Back in upper Manhattan, I never really had that picture perfect life: perfect looks, popular friends, good grades and a dreamy boyfriend. I've always been a bearly in the background kind of girl. I try so hard to act normal, especially around other people, and to act like I was fine. I'm okay mentally and everything but I just feel abbot unloved. The countless valentines I have sent Alex with an anonymous name and the love letters I've written but never sent, the times where I imagined that we'd be together forever. I know it seems stupid and everything but I think that John and Alex have real chemistry. I think they should go out because they are good for each other, they're my friends and I'm just going to need to let my feelings go.

A/N This was kind of a filler chapter because I felt like I haven't used enough of the Schuyler sisters in this and I want to incorporate them more.

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