I will never be Satisfied

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A/N this takes place about a month or so after the whole Maria thing bc I'm too lazy to write it in

Trigger warning ⚠️
Alcohol abuse

Angelica Schuyler POV

I sit alone in my dorm. Eli and Pegs went out somewhere or another for who knows what. I'm very drunk.
I wasn't always like this. Before coming here I was happy and full of life. It's draining. Especially knowing your gonna die alone. Seeing other people happy makes me unbearably unhappy.

Bottle number two of the vodka I bought cheaply from a Walmart. Only the best.

I wish my life was simple. I don't cry over guys. That's not me.

I lay on my bed holding my pillow. My vision is blurry and I feel like I'm gonna be sick. Why do I do these things to myself?
I grab the bottle and take a swig, tears falling down my face.

"Alex, hurry up we need to leave if we're gonna make it in time."
"With you I have all the time in the world."

Alexander and John's muffled voices make me start to cry again. I start crying and then throw up in a box.


Alexander should be with me. We're soulmates. I stumble to the cupboard easing every breath, shaking as I grab there spare key.

The hallway is quiet and I unlock the door.

Johns phone is on the table.

I type his passcode and scroll through his contacts.

Henry Laurens.


"Hello.. sir. Your son John is dating Alexander Hamilton."

A/N sorry for the short chapter

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