Chapter 5- You Know That I Care

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Matt's POV-

Today is the second day that Cassi is out of the hospital. It is also the first time I am going to see her without her being drugged up beyond capacity. To say I am a bit nervous about seeing her is the understatement of the century. I still blame myself everyday for what happened to her. Chris and Kelly always tell me that it's not my fault. Dom on the other hand, at first at least, blamed me for it but eventually we patched things up and now he tells me that he doesn't blame me for what happened to her. But deep down I know that he still does.

After all I was the one that kissed her which made her leave town and if she hadn't left town then she would have never been in that accident.

"I know that look Matt," Chris says to me as I exit my daze.

"What look?" I shift how I am sitting on the couch so my feet are planted on the ground. Chris then decides to sit next to me.

"You're blaming yourself again. You have that look on your face whenever you do that."

"I never knew that," I say before sighing deeply, "I'm just nervous to see her again."

"Why would you be nervous for? There's no reason to be nervous."

"I'm nervous because I'm scared to find out that she will blame me for what happened."

"You don't know that."

"Oh, but you do?"

"Matt stop it. She's awake now so none of that matters anyways. Stop blaming yourself because none of us do."

"Dom did at one point and if he did then so will Cassi."

"You can be such a bloody idiot sometimes. Sure, Dom may have blamed you at first but you seem to forget the fact that he forgave you. So if he eventually forgave you then I sure as hell know that Cassi will forgive you too."

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see," I tell him with a dismissive shrug. There is nothing that he can say that could convince me otherwise. The only thing that could convince me that she forgives me is hearing those words coming out of her mouth.

Chris and I sit in silence half-heartedly watching the TV until the sound of a doorbell echoes through the flat. I stay seated because I am afraid that I will collapse as soon as I stand up. My leg shakes frantically as Chris runs to the door. Voices from the doorway reach my ears, causing my heart beat to accelerate. Footsteps become increasingly louder by the moment as they become closer to me.

Then, just as my heart beat reaches its maximum pace, I lay eyes on her.

"Hello Matt," Cassi greets me and my heart stops. When they told me that she was awake I was beyond estatic but now I am in a total euphoria. Seeing her in person is quite different from hearing that she is awake. I take a deep breath when I notice the way her eyes shine from the light that is coming in through the window behind me.

"Uh Earth to Matt," Dom awkwardly says before he clears his throat taking me out of my trance.

"Hello Cassi," I say to her.

"It's good to see you again," she says with the same tone as Dom earlier.

"It's not good to see you. It's wonderful to see you Cassi." After saying this I run to where she is and give her the biggest hug I can possibly create. When she is in my arms I close my eyes to hold back the tears that are threatening to fall out of my eyes at any moment now. This moment is making me so happy right now it feels surreal. My imagination must be playing a really sick and twisted game on me because there is no way that after over a year she is awake and in my arms.

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