I Swear to God

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Justin's POV

I nodded at the bartender, and he came over to pour me another glass of Captain Morgan. I love rum.

"You sure drink a lot," a female voice commented, noticing my sipping on my fifth drink.

"Yep," I replied, popping the 'p'.

"You're looking a little lonely," she spoke again, and I could tell she moved closer to me.

"Look, I don't mean to be an ass, but can you leave me the fuck al.." I looked up to see the blue eyes I've spent the last year dreaming about. "..lone."

"Is that what you want?" she asked quietly, her blue eyes desperately searching my soft brown ones.

"You came back," I choked out, too stunned to move towards her no matter how badly I wanted to.

"I never left," she whispered. "They took me. That night I was doing a delivery of cocaine, a pistol, and a pack of gun," she laughed humorlessly. "He's asked for a knife, and I checked the crumpled list in my pocket, and someone knocked me out. Justin, I never meant to hurt you."

"It's been a year, Mystique. It's been a whole year," I whispered, tears dripping down my face as I took another drink.

"I know, Justin. I know. But I'm back now. I'm back, so please have me."

"Why didn't you come back to me sooner?"

"Justin, I tried. I tried to come back for you. I did." She took a shaky breath. "And then I saw you out with Cam, and I thought you'd moved on so I stayed away. I didn't want to-" I cut her off with a sudden kiss.

Her arms wrapped around my neck, and I pulled her towards me, kissing her intently. She's here. She's actually here. She came back for me. My baby came back.

Mystique's POV

I couldn't believe it. He actually wanted me back. He had Cam, but it was me he wanted. Why did he want me? Doesn't he know what I've done?

Our kiss was cut short when a phone rang. I reached for mine, and relaxed when I realized it was silent. Justin dug his phone out of his pocket and broke away from the kiss, his eyes not leaving mine.

"Derek, listen, it's not a good time. You won't believe-" He stopped short, and his eyes widened. "No," he whispered, standing up. He was backing away from me. He was actually backing away from me.

Hanging up, he stared at me wide eyed.

"What'd you do?" he whispered, his voice shaking. "Mystique, what'd you do?"

I pressed my lips together, staring at the love of my life. He knew what I did now. Derek had told him, and it ruined everything. Goddammit I knew I got out too easily. I knew it.

"You got them arrested?" he asked, his glossy eyes staring into mine.

"Justin, I didn't mean-" he cut me off, violently shaking his head.

"You came back to distract me so you could turn them in? How could you do that? How could you do that to me?"

"Justin, it wasn't my fault! I tried to get back to you!" I was sobbing.

"No, no, you didn't. You came here to distract me while the police can and took everything. They took everything, and the only thing I have left is Derek."

"Justin, you have to believe me. I escaped from New York where he held me, and I got back to you. I escaped just for you, and I knew it was too easy. I knew-" Justin shook his head, staring at me dead in the eye.

"I don't want anything to do with you," he whispered, his voice shaky and unsure.

"Yes you do, Justin. He did it. He planned everything. I didn't know. I-I d-didn't-" My voice cut off into a sob, and he just stared at me blankly.

"I better not ever see you again. You're a liar. You're a liar, and I don't want you anymore. I did nothing this past year but think of you, and you spent the year plotting to take us down. I should've listened to them. I should've. It's too late now. You ruined everything."

"You don't mean that. You don't, you d-dont," I sobbed, taking a step towards him.

"I swear to God, Mystique, get away from me," he warned, tears flowing endlessly from his eyes.

"No. No, I won't let you go. I made it too far to let you go."

"You're not letting me go because I'm not yours. I might have been but not anymore. Not after what you did."

"Justin, dammit!" I screamed, now having all of the bar's attention. "You listen me! David set it up!"

Justin went silent, staring at me with wide eyes.

Justin's POV

I stared at her, realizing what she'd said.

"You won't get away with this," he sneered as the police officer handcuffed his roughly.

"Get away with what?!" I screamed. "This is your fault! Your goddamn fault! She's dead because of you!"

"Boo hoo, suck it up, kid. You think her dying is the worst thing that could've happened? One day I'll come for you, and I'll take every goddamn thing you have."

"You'll never see the light of day," i sneered.

"Don't be so sure, son."

My bottom lip quivered, and I pulled her tight against my body.

"We need to leave now . We need to go," I urged, pulling her with me, stumbling occasionally as I pushed her towards the driver side of my car before sitting in the passenger seat myself.

I pulled out my phone, dialing Derek's number.

"Derek, tunnels, now. I have her with me, and my dad's back," I spoke quickly, hanging up. I smashed my phone against the door of car before throwing it out the window.

Author's Note:

Since it's been a few years, I updated twice. It's unedited, so I'm sorry if there's grammatical errors.

BUT they've reunited sort of, and Justin's gang has been taken into custody. How are you guys feeling about it?

Just a random side note dude period cramps are the worst and I'm actually dying

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