I'm Coming for You

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Mystique's POV

As I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, I knew something was wrong. Looking up at the love of my life, I pulled the phone out of my jeans to see David calling me.

"Justin," I spoke, my hand shaking as I showed him my caller ID. He froze, staring down at my cellphone.

"Answer it," he whispered.

"I was starting to think I had the wrong number, darling," his cold voice smoldered. "It's rude to keep someone waiting."

I swallowed, not saying a word.

"No small talk?" he grinned. "Guess we'll get right to it. Hand the phone to Justin, sweetheart. Us men have business things to discuss."

"What?" Justin spat, taking the phone once I'd offered it to him.

Justin's POV

"Now, now, Justin, is that any way to speak to your father?" I could almost see the smirk on his wide face.

"What the fuck do you want?" I was already impatient.

"I have what I want. Your house, your men, your money. I took your girlfriend, which was way too easy, by the way. And I'll take her again."

"You won't touch her."

"Why don't you ask her about that?"

"You fucking bastard!"

"I will take everything from you. When I come back for Mystique, and Derek, I'll make him rape her while you watch," he chuckled. "But it won't exactly be rape, will it? We all know how much of a whore she is."

"I'm going to fucking kill you."

"You had your chance, son. Your mother's dead. Your gang will be soon. And after I kill Mystique, you won't have anything left. Aren't you just excited?"

"I'm going to find you."

"Are you? I'm sure you won't. You aren't smart enough for that, Justin."


"See, if you were that smart, you'd realize it's been five minutes, and my men will be there any second now. It was nice doing business with you."

"Fuck!" I growled, chucking her phone across the room. "He tricked us. He tracked your damn phone and distracted us while he did it. God fucking dammit, how could I have been so stupid?"

"We need to get out of here now. I won't go back. I can't go back."

"Oh, Justin!" I heard a booming voice call out, and I dragged Mystique into the bar's kitchen.

"You can't be in here," a chef insisted. Shoving a wad of money into his hand, I asked for Cam's exit way.

Mystique's POV

"I can't walk any farther," I whispered, barely dragging my legs along. I was covered in burns and a film of dirt from the explosions.

"Just a little further, baby, I promise."

No One's POV

"I gave you a chance, Bieber," Uriah's voice called out into the scarcely populated bar.

"We're done playing games, kid. Get your ass in here," Johnson demanded.

Nodding at each other, they walked around the counter of the bar, met only with a shaky bartender clinched behind the bar counter. Making their way to the kitchen, the men pointed the gun at each employee asking where Bieber and the girl went.

"We don't know. We don't know. We don't know," an older man whispered, his lip quivering as he thought of his family.

Realizing Justin and Mystique had somehow left, Uriah checked the alleyway behind the bar as Johnson scoured the kitchen. Seeing a cart resting haphazardly against a wall, he squinted and walked towards in. Moving the cart, he grinned.

"I don't like liars," he commented, shooting the man who told him he didn't know where they'd went.

"Uriah, get your ass back here," Johnson called, opening the hatch in the floor.

Uriah charged back in, and each of the men grabbed small bombs into the hole. Standing back, Uriah and Johnson dialed a few buttons on their phones, causing each of the bombs to explode.

Justin's POV

"Come on, baby," I whispered, pressing my hand to a scanner that unlocked another iron door.

We ran through the corridor, reaching another door, twisting it open. We kept running, well we tried to, until we reached a series of doors. A blue, red, white, green, purple, black, and yellow door lined the wall in front of us and I inhaled deeply as I tried to remember.

"You built all this?" I asked Cam.

"No, oh my god. My great grandfather did," she smiled proudly.

Giving her an incredulous look, it acted as a signal for her to continue.

"Don't tell me you thought I was crazy," she spoke softly. "I was born into this life. I was raised to be a killer. I was raised to be like this."

I smiled as I thought about Cam.

"Wanna see something kinda cool?" she offered, distracting me from the fucked up way she was brought up.

I nodded, and we walked into a room with a wall full of colorful doors. She knocked on the red one first, right in the center, then the blue, then the green, then the red again, then the yellow, then the purple, twisted the white door's handle, knocked on the black, then opened the blue door.

I blinked rapidly as I remembered. I hope I remembered right. I followed just as Cam had done, and was met with the opened blue door.

"Come on, baby girl."

"I thought you guys would never make it," Derek sighed in relief, leaning against the control panel.

Cam had eyes all over the city. She'd left me the tunnels, apparently, in case anything happened to her. So here I was, in control of the entire city, standing in the control room of the dead girl I had started to love. This life finally caught up to her.

"I missed you so much," Mystique gushed, holding Derek close.

I smiled looking at them both. My girl's back, and Derek's finally not a dick. I was starting to really want to kill this man a few days ago.

"I hate to break up the reunion, but we need to get out of here," I spoke up.

Nodding his head, he asked, "Did she leave you all her men?"

"Yeah, I believe so," I replied, half sure.

"Then we call Jack, have him set up transport, and we head to Gunderson. It's not too far away but far enough that it'll take David's men some time to get there," Derek suggested.

I nodded, flipping through the book on Cam's desk. Every single person her and her family ever worked with has their contact info in here. If that person it's alive, it has info for their next of kin.

I was going to miss this city and my boys. I wasn't ready to leave, neither was Derek, but we had to.

Sometimes I regret choosing this life. If only I hadn't found Steve. I could've dragged my mom away from my dad. We could've been happy. I could've gone to school, and maybe I'd be with Mystique or she'd be with Jason, but we'd both be safe. We'd both be happy. We could be normal...we could be normal.

Author's Note:

Kinda depressing last part y'know but it's okay. This chapter's unedited oops, but I wanted to update. So here ya go :)

Also dude I just got off of facetime with this super cute boy I like and he makes me so happy omg I was giggling soooo much helppp

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