It's A Large Order

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Justin's POV

I exhaled loudly as I slammed my already bruised first into the worn punching bag. I swung again and again, alternating hands, never slowing my pace.

1, 2, 3, 4.. 1, 2, 3, 4.. 1, 2, 3, 4..

I had a steady rhythm going. Punch, inhale, punch, exhale. All I could hear were the pounding of my fists. It was soothing in a way.

"Boss," Jacob's voice called from the other side of the door.

"Come in," I replied, my voice somehow even.

"We got an order. A real fucking big order," he informed.

"How big are we talking?" I asked, punching the bag with my left hand.

"A twenty thousand dollar order. And, here's the best part.. it's in cash," he grinned, giddy with excitement.

"Who's it for?" I questioned.

"A Mr. Blake. Some rich dude in Booker County," he shrugged.

"And what is it exactly that he wants?" I asked.

"Two fake ID's along with passports, plane tickets, weed, and a boat," he replied, reading off a list.

"That's it? He's going to pay us twenty grand for that?" I clarified, pausing to stare him hard in the eye.

"Yeah.. weird right?"

"Pretty much. But whatever. Just take the cash, man."

"Alright dude. It's now a done deal. Meet us in fifteen, alright?"

"You got it."

I finished another twenty punches with each hand before making my way to the kitchen.

"Alright, so where's Justin?" Derek sounded irritated.

"Chill dude, I'm getting something to eat. Start talking," I rolled my eyes, listening as they informed the others of the order.

I slapped some meat and cheese onto some wheat bread and joined the others in the living room.

"So, we all in agreement that this shit is easy money?" I looked around at each of their faces.

They all seemed pretty sure to me.

"Alright then. We'll start on thi-" I was cut off by Ryan's sudden interjection.

"Actually, we kind of already started. Well, I did. I assumed you'd like the deal so I made the ID's for you. You're welcome," he spoke quietly, sheepishly.

"So, what's her name?" Mystique smirked.

"What? Who?" that sure got Ry's attention.

"The girl you're finishing shit early for, to get more time with her," she accused.

"Um... Jennifer.. The one from school," he confessed, awkwardly rubbing his neck.

"Really bro? You're boning flat ass Jennifer?" Derek howled with laughter.

"I'm not boning anyone," Ryan clarified, his jaw set.

"Whatever dude. You could do a lot better though, just saying," Derek said seriously.

Ryan just rolled his eyes, settling onto a nearby couch.

"Anyway.. have any of you met this Mr. Blake dude?" I asked.

"Well.. no.." Max confessed. "But-"

"You haven't met him? He could be a badge! What the fuck were you guys thinking?" I shouted, glaring at them all.

There went my plan for keeping Mystique safe. We could have a damned cop on our tail! We're in the top ten of America's Most fucking Wanted list. Seriously, what the FUCK were they thinking?!

"So, Steve, Derek, Mystique, and I are on America's Most fucking Wanted list and no one thought to even fucking meet the guy?" I exploded.

"Well we didn't think-" Ryan tried to cut in.

"Yeah, you didn't think. You're all fucking idiots," I stated, walking out the front door.

It banged shut with a loud slam.

I stalked off to my car, before sliding into the driver's seat. I didn't bother to look if it was clear for me to back out, I just did it and zoomed off down the deserted road.

I can't believe these fucktards didn't check if this guy was a badge. We could all be hauled off to jail tomorrow for fuck's sake. Don't they understand?

I slammed my foot down on the pedal, the needle itching towards 140.

All I could think about was how angry I was. But I didn't want to be angry. I shouldn't have to be angry; my boys should be smarter than this. I mean, after all, I taught them a majority of the shit they know.

I guess there's nothing I can do now but wait. Tomorrow, I'll either be twenty grand richer, or I'll be hauled off to the slammer with the rest of my crew.

A/N: Okay, so I'm guessing you all hate the sequel? If no one likes it then I'm just wasting time writing it. Please read if you like it and tell me if you don't. Thank you.

And well.. for people who do like it.. I told you shit would get crazy and here it comes. Next chapter. Be ready bitches (; It's about to get real steamy..

Until next time..


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