Best Moment Of My New Life

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Mystique's POV

I sighed deeply, treading down the stairs. I ran my hand along the smooth, dark rail, hoping not to fall again. It hurt so bad that last time, but I didn't just fall, I was pushed; of course, you can guess who pushed me.

My eyes began to blur as I thought of that horrid boy and his idiotic friends. Not again, I thought, as little wet drops fell upon my face.

I couldn't go downstairs crying, not with the boys sitting there. I turned around, racing back up the stairs. I fell on my flat on my ass as I hit something hard.

I looked up and saw a confused Derek with red knuckles. He'd been fighting again.

"Mystique, I was just coming to find you," he smiled, his whole face lighting up.

His face fell as he noticed the fresh tears on my cheeks. He said nothing about it, only grabbed my hand and led me to a small unused room in the house.

"Mystique-" I cut him off.

"Derek, I'm fine. Really. Don't worry about it," I tried to assure him.

"I know what's been happening to you." his voice was soft like velvet, and full of understanding.

I didn't know what to do, or what to say. I simply averted my eyes and kept my mouth shut.

"I overheard Jackson talking about it on the phone. He wouldn't tell me who they were talking about.. so I just beat it out of him.." his voice was low, getting softer with every word.

"Derek, please don't tell anyone," I whispered, surprised when words left my mouth.

"Why didn't you come to me? I could've stopped them." He looked really sad, like this hurt him more than it hurt me.

"I didn't know how. I didn't know if you'd help me," I answered, feeling extremely small.

"I love you." The words slipped from his lips, gentle and warm like a summer breeze.

I couldn't stop the smile from spreading across my face, melting away the icy front I'd put on. I couldn't stop my arms from hugging his torso, holding on so tight, even the strongest person in the world couldn't pull me off. I couldn't stop my lips from pressing against his cheek, or my hands from digging into his back.

I didn't know if I was happy because someone loves me, or because it was him. All I knew was, this was the best moment of my new life.

"Thank you. Thank you for loving me. I didn't know anyone did," I spoke, a warm tear escaping my eye.

"Did you think you were unloved? Or did you think you didn't deserve love?" he asked, staring down at me with his soft brown eyes.

I didn't say anything.

He opened his mouth to speak again, but I wasn't going to let him talk me into opening up. I leaned forward, softly pressing my lips to his.

I smiled as I pulled back, taking his hand in mine.

"Thank you," I whispered, kissing our entwined fingers.

He smiled back at me, leaning in for another kiss. I enjoyed the feeling of his lips on mine, so I let him. I don't know how long we stayed like that: our hands entwined, our lips moving in sync, his other hand cupping my face. All I knew, is I loved every minute of it. It was something I wanted to happen again.

A/N: Sorry it's a day late. I fell asleep and forgot to post it.

Really, where IS Justin? How's he going to handle his best friend kissing the blonde cutie he had his eye on? Or will he ever find out?

What's going on with Derek? Eighteen and twenty is a pretty wide age gap when the eighteen year old is a suicidal, self harming, murderer and the twenty year old is a hot headed bad boy, she knows nothing about. Do they honestly think they can last, or is this just a fling? Maybe her wishes won't be fulfilled and they won't ever kiss again.

What about Jackson? Did he get the message and knows to back off, or will he and his friends continue to terrorize Mystique? 

You'll see...

Until next time,


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