A Beautiful Voice

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Mystique's POV

I'd woken up about five minutes ago, with no recollection of what had happened.

Why was I here? Where was Justin? What is the wailing I hear in the distance?

I just sat there staring, hoping to make sense of my surroundings. I just didn't understand. I couldn't piece together what had happened to me, or where I was, or how I got here. I couldn't make sense of this because there was no sense. I see no sense.

The wailing crept closer with each second that went by. What the fuck was that sound? I didn't know.

"What the hell?" I heard a low mumble from behind me.

"What?" the voice paused. "Ah, fuck. My head," it moaned.

He. It's a he. A boy with a really beautiful voice. It almost.. It almost sounds familiar.

I had all these names, and places, and events, just bouncing around, causing a mess in my head. I couldn't put faces to the names. I couldn't focus in on the events. I couldn't actually see the places. Everything and everyone was a giant blur.

"Hey.. do I know you?" the beautiful voice asked.

I looked around, knowing a voice so alluring couldn't possibly be referring to me.

"No, stop lookin' around. I mean, you. Do I know you?" the voice asked, sounding troubled.

"Me? I don't know.. I don't remember ever seeing you before," I answered honestly, blushing as I saw the voice's owner.

Boy, was he beautiful. His hair was a golden honey colour. Oh, his eyes.. they were the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. Staring into them was like glimpsing into a pot of sugars and unicorns that held a secret chocolate lake below. His eyes were like the prize at the end of a rainbow. I'm sorry, there's just no other way to explain. There's something about them, a hint of familiarity mixed with a whole hearted goodness that made them so welcoming, so mesmerizing that I couldn't look away.

"You have beautiful eyes," I whispered in awe, finding myself so completely lost in them.

"Thank you. Yours are.. well.. familiar.. Are you sure we haven't met?" his voice was so helpless, so lost.

"Believe me, I'd remember if we did," I found myself flirting with him, just begging him to flirt back.

How disturbing. Flirting with a complete stranger, a beautiful one at that, but a damned stranger. Surely, I have better places to be. Don't I?

"Oh, is that right?" a hint of a grin tugged at the corners of his perfectly sculpted mouth.

I found myself leaning into him.

"Yeah," I whispered, my breath fanning out over his face.

His eyes focused directly on my lips, devouring them in a way. His eyes were hungry as they returned to mine. However, not with lust nor desire, this boy was hungry for answers, answers I couldn't provide.

I'm sorry, I thought. I wish I could help you. I'm trying to figure this out, too.

The wailing was so much louder than before. I could see the flashing of red and blue lights above a white car. Slowly, the vehicle stopped, keeping its distance from us.

Two men were stepping out. They were both dressed in the same dark blue outfit with the same gold starred badge.

"Hello, we'd like to ask you a few questions. Step right this way," one of them spoke, his voice formal and authoritive.

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