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Justin's POV

I sighed for what felt like the hundredth time today. Mystique and Derek were cuddled up on my couch, eating my food. Derek had his hands all over her, just like he always does these days.

How could my best friend steal my girlfriend? I'm in love with her. She used to be in love with me, too. We used to cuddle on that couch like that. She used to giggle when I complemented her. Now, it's like I don't even exist.

I woke up a few weeks ago after a really long, terrifying dream in which I'd received my life's memories. Ever since I got it back, I can't get Mystique out of my head. Her laugh, her smile, her sass, the look she gives you when you joke around with her, the way she can play guitar and lose herself in a song. I love it all. I love her so much.

"Justin, can I talk to you?" Ryan came up behind me.

"Yeah, 'course man," I nodded, following him out to the front of the house.

"Are you okay?" he asked, looking me in the eye.

"Yeah, man. I'm good," I lied, faking a smirk to pull it off.

"Yeah, bro. That's why you have those right?" he nodded at my arm, his jaw clenching.

"What?" I flashed him a confused smile.

"Don't play stupid, Justin. I've seen the cuts before, at school. Why are doing this again?" he asked, determined to get an answer.

Did I want to reveal I've gotten my memory back? If I didn't, would I lose my first best friend?

"Ry.." I trailed off.

"Ry?" he repeated, his voice somewhat softer.

"I have to-" he cut me off.

"Where'd you hear that?" he asked, eyes guarded.

"I remember," I whispered, my eyes glossing over with tears. I looked down at the paved driveway.

"How much?" he didn't seem to believe me.

I sat down on the steps, head in my hands, sighing again.

"Everything," I confessed, closing my eyes.

"Like what?" He didn't seem convinced. It wasn't like he didn't believe me, rather, it was like he couldn't convince himself he'd gotten his best friend back.

I was the only person in the world who really knew him.

"We were nine years old when we promised to be best friends for the rest of our lives. Your parents had just divorced, whereas I was wishing mine would. You lived with your loving mother, and your shitty dad just walked straight out of your life. I was the only person really there for you," I was staring him in the eyes as I recounted the first year of our friendship.

He held out his hand and I used it to drag myself up off the ground. Then, he pulled me into a tight hug, holding me there for several minutes.

"I really missed you, man," he whispered. I could hear the agony in his voice, what he must've felt when he'd thought he'd lost me.

"I missed you too, bro," I responded, hugging him back tighter.

We let go after some time and settled onto the steps.

"So, how are you really, man?" he asked me, his eyes full of concern.

"I just really miss her bro." My voice cracked at the end, showing how much pain I was in.

"You're in love with her?" he asked, his voice soft like velvet.

"Yes, I'm still in love with her. I can't get her out of my head," I confessed, sighing in frusteration.

"You have to tell her," he urged.

"No. No, she's happy now. I want to keep her happy. I don't want to see her in pain like she was before," I spoke softly, feeling tears in my eyes.

"Nothing matters more to me than that smile on her face," I whispered, my voice cracking all throughout. I couldn't stop the tears from leaking out my eyes.

I was broken.

Ryan said nothing, only pulled me close, hugging me tighter than he ever has.

And, when he did speak, it was just seven little words with so much meaning.

"Everything's gonna be alright. Stay strong, man."

A/N: Looks like Mystique's not the only one with a secret. Justin's gotten his memory back, and he's more broken than ever. Only this time, he doesn't have Mystique to hold him together. Will Ryan be able to save what's left of him, or will Justin lose himself in his memories, he wish he never had? Only time will tell.

What's up with Derek: stealing his best friend's girlfriend, then rubbing it in Justin's face? That's not what friends do, and if you ask me, I think Derek needs to be taught a lesson.

How will Ryan handle the finally broken Justin Bieber? It's not so easy trying to put someone back together when you've got so many problems of your own. Will Ryan be able to do it, or will he walk out on his best friend, his almost brother?

P.S. I am so sorry I didn't update yesterday. Honestly, I completely forgot. I'm sorry guys!!

Until next time,


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