Band of Misfits

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A/N: Happy Internet Best Friend Day! johannaistrash is my Wattpad Bestie and my one and only Boo 😘 so this chapter is dedicated to Johanna.

Title inspired by StanleyCottrell.

Ben's POV
I wake up in a medical bed with my wrists tied down and a sleeping Poe at my side.

"Poe." I say he name and he stirs awake.

"Hey." He blinks awake and moves closer. "How's your head?"

"Better. How long was I out?"

"Couple hours." He informs me.

"Why are my wrists tied?"

Poe sighs and looks away, slumping back in his seat. "You're seen as a threat to the Resistance now."

"What?" I pull on the restraints. "So I'm a prisoner here?"

"Sort of." He runs a hand through his hair. "Some people in command thought it'd be best to get you tied up until the fight has ended."

"This fight is never going to end." I lay back on the bed.

"That's why I'm suggesting we run away. Go into hiding. You and Rey could get married, live a normal life, have children, without having to answer to Luke about Jedi business."

"Its like your suggesting what he did and go into hiding."

"Look you're a traitor to the First Order and considered a threat here. What can you really do for this battle?"

I shake my head. "I just want Rey back... This is all my fault."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is. If I hadn't have turned to the Dark Side-"

"You would have never met Rey. She'd be stuck on Jakku living as a scavenger."

"No she would have found her way here."

"Really? Because I'm pretty sure Finn left the First Order because you scared him and he's the one who got her to leave." He smiles.

I smile back. "Plus there may have been something about a hot Resistance pilot, that caused him to flee to Jakku."

Poe winks at me. "I'd like to think so."

Rey's POV
The meeting with the Queen went well. Yerha and I had returned to our room to change and get some food.

There's a knock upon our door and I answer it.

Mitaka removes his hat. "We have word that a Resistance member has been spotted in the old clone factory."

"Capture him at once. Find a room I can interrogate him in. Make sure there aren't others." Damn it Finn!

I go over and shake Yerha awake. "Hey." She begins to yawn and brush me off of her without opening her eyes. "Yerha get up, I have a victim for you."

Her eyes shoot open. "Did you say victim?" She smiles.

I roll my eyes. "I want you to interrogate a Resistance fighter that is about to be captured."

"How did he find us?" She asks.

"I don't know. Maybe the Falcon was tracked." I lie.

"Okay, I'll get dressed and head over. What room?"

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