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Rey's POV
"No, I did." Ben says and sets me down gently.

"Thank you." I say and go to his side.

Ben forces grabs a saber from Sassy and ignites it. I turn and see Yerha. She ignites her saber as well.

I withdraw mine and face her with Ben at my side.

"I thought you weren't going to show him mercy." Yerha says.

"That was Palbi." I tell her. "I'm Rey."

Sassy joins at our side along with Poe and Finn who have their target set on Yerha.

"You really want to go up against all of us?" Ben asks.

"I know all your moves Yerha. Don't make me do this." I plea.

Yerha looks to Captain Halo who nods encouragement.

Run. I voice to Ben and he follows my lead.

I turn and run into a cage and the group follows. "Someone blast the switch." I call out.

"Got it!" Poe calls back. He shoots it, disabling it, and the door closes.

"This way." I go to a side door and punch in my code which luckily still works.

We run through the corridor and I find a door that leads into the droid factory.

"Destroy everything." I say.

"We need to leave." Finn says.

"We also don't need to start another clone war." I counter.

"Let's get to work." Ben says and holds out part of my saber.

We trade and I glance at Sassy.

"Sorry I need weapon." She shrugs.

"No problem. I want it back though." I smile.

We go to work quickly and swiftly destroying machine belts and old droid parts. By the end its obvious a couple Jedi were here causing trouble.

"Found the exit to the Falcon." Finn calls and we all follow his voice.

We exit into the hot desert and begin our run to the Falcon. Finn leads the way and comes to a halt as we round the mountain side.

A dozen stormtroopers stand waiting for our arrival.

"Let's take out the trash." Sassy smiles and charges at them.

I recognize them as an elite squad and know they have been trained by Nines.

Most pull out electric battle batons, meant to resistance lightsaber and others pull out blasters.

We begin fighting them, taking almost no damage except Sassy getting hit by the baton in the leg, but I've trained her to work through it.

We have only killed 5 stormtroopers when I feel I familiar shift in the force.

I glance to Ben who is battling two like me and he stabs one then glances at me.

I elbow one in the helmet and kick the other in the chest, he meets Sassy for a brief moment.

I blast comes from the sky, taking out most of the stormtroopers and I use the distraction to force pull the last one over to Ben who slits their throat.

The familiar cargo ship lands and I recognize Alexa in the pilot's seat.

The ramp lowers and Johanna and Phasma step out.

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