The Lake and Forest

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A/N: Chapter dedicated to
Reylo_is_My_Halo for being one of my closest friends. korvescence_9 for always encouraging me and taking the time to respond to my questions at the end.

Rey's POV
We land the Falcon on ground all to familiar for me.

Excitement takes over and I dash off the Falcon with Apollo running after me.

The ramp can not lower fast enough, as I duck my head and jump the last little bit to the ground.

I intake with a deep breathe of crisp, fresh air and feel the warm sun hit my cheeks.

"Wooooow." I hear Apollo say in awe.

"It gets better." I say while not daring to remove my eyes from the beautiful lake in front of me.

"I forgot how beautiful green is." Kayla says coming up behind us.

"It's my new favorite color." Apollo smiles.

I crouch down to his eye level. "Do you like it here?"

"Yeah. Is this our new home?"

"Hopefully. We just need to find a home and new jobs."

"I didn't bring enough supplies to set up shop here." Kayla tells me.

"We don't expect either of you to work."I say looking up at Kayla. I look back to Apollo. "Your job is to keep our cover. Can you do that?"

"Yes mommy." Apollo smiles and I take him into my arms.

"What about Maz?" Ben asks walking up behind us. "She'll recognize both of us. Even if we change our appearances, the moment we step foot through that door, she'll sense our presence."

I remember that time I first came here and she announced 'Han Solo' after we had barely stepped through the door.

"Okay, so we avoid her." I reply.

"Any idea how far away the next village is?" Ben asks.

"Shouldn't we have just kept flying?" Kayla asks.

"Can't fly around, looks suspicious. This was the safest spot we could think of." Ben informs her.

"Well I like it." Apollo smiles.

"Me too." I smile back.

Just then a fleet of X-wings drop out of hyperspace and quickly make their way to land nearby.

We watch carefully, trying to sense who is aboard. Apollo in just pure awe.

"Why are they here?" Kayla asks, breaking the silence.

"No idea." Ben replies.

Beep. Beep.

My head shoots towards Ben, as his head shoots to his boot. The commlink.

Beep. Beep.

He reaches down and retrieves it. We both stare unsure, but we only know one person who has this commlink's sync number.

Beep. Beep.

Poe Dameron.

"Answer it." I tell Ben.

He clicks it on. "Hello?"

"Did I spy a certain bird in the area?" Poe says casually.

"You may have." Ben smiles.

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