Chapter 1 : Jazz- 1425

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I looked around as i woke up with a shock. I didn't know where i was or why only that it was a room made of wood including the bed wich was a simple bedframe with straw as bedding and sheets made of wool. I was sitting upright but couldn't move a muscle. A small panic came over me and remember asking myself "what in the world is going on?" At that moment i felt weak. The same feeling you get when you are about to faint but still different that was the moment i drifted off. After a few seconds i opened my eyes again and noticed i was in my room and i saw my mother come in trough the door. "But that's not possible" i thought as my mother had been dead since i was only four years old. She died while giving birth to my younger sister Mist. She was born with the same condition as me it doesn't have a proper name other than perhaps snow disease for our white hair and eyes. And most of all the unmistaking wings i was born with even though my sister had a tail instead. I looked up at my mother as she seemed to be smiling before saying "i'm going out for a little while. Now sleep tight little man" i remembered that this was what she said last before going into labor and having her last child before moving on to the next realm. She closed the door and my sight went black before a light popped like when one of your parents opens your curtains when you need to wake up. I noticed i was in a hallway so i decided to start walking "hello!?" I shouted trough the hallway but heard nothing back. As i walked into the light i noticed the sight in my right eye seemed a little blurry but at the time i thought nothing of it. In front of me there was a golden gate and behind them i could see grassy plains i instinctively pushed against the gate but it didn't budge. Thats when i heard a voice "who goes there ?" The voice sounded intimidating and i noticed myself jumping a little as the voice started laughing "there is no need to die twice ! I didn't think i was that scary" i tilted my head in confusion "i'm sorry but what do you mean by dieing twice ?" I heard a chuckle again as the voice started speaking again " no worries it's not for long". "What is not for long" i looked around confused wanting answers "you died also get used to the eye it looks like you won't be getting that back.. but as i said before i'm going to send you back now. I unfortunately cannot let you in you still have stuff to do. And i don't think that is going to be finished anytime soon". "What are you talking about? And who are you anyways?" I looked at the gate "well anyways see you!"

i saw a flash and suddenly woke up on a big pile of bodies "what in the world was that ?" I noticed my eyesight in my right eye was completely gone but shrugged it off as i got up and looked at the pile "sweet jesus" i jumped as i noticed the pile of bodies before turning around and noticing a man "living corpses ! Living corpses!" The man bolted out of the room and kept shouting this over and over. I finally remembered where i was. The man that just ran away was a bandit. They captured me and my friends and forced us to perform for them. I felt anger boiling up inside of me as i ran after the man without a second tought. I noticed a mirror in the first room and looked into it noticing why i had lost sight in my right eye. It was completely gone, i assumed it was possibly an act of the bandit chief who had to be somewhere in this shitshack. I noticed a dagger on a small table and grabbed it before running into another room where another bandit was sitting on a chair sleeping with his back turned to me. I snuck over to him and swiftly slit his throat before moving on and finding a set of stairs. I walked up the stairs and saw a couple of doors i grinned when i saw chief painted on one of the doors "found you" i said as i walked closer noticing the door was cracked open slightly i heard the man from before talking behind it frantically with the chief who only shouted back at him saying how much nonsense it was the guy was spouting. I held in a chuckle knowing that the look on the bandit chiefs face would be gold once he walked in. I decided to give the door a push and hide next to the door post and i did. I could hear the chief get up and walk over to the door clearly not understanding how the door just opened. He grumbled before saying "stupid breeze" and he turned around. This is when i took my chance i stepped into the door opening "you thought wrong filth" i dashed forward and stabbed the chief several times before killing him. I sighed and looked up at the man who had ran away before who looked at me as if frozen "change your ways" i turned around to a window "maybe youll get somewhere with your life" i climbed onto the windowsill spread my wings before flying off.

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