Chapter 3 Kazo- 6 years ago

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I was sitting in the classroom alone. Everyone else was outside as usual i noticed my teacher walk over to me "arent you gonna come outside and play with the others?" I shook my head "they won't let me play anyways so why bother?" I sighed and the teacher sat down on a nearby chair "if you don't try they will never let you play" i didn't say anything and looked the other way. "I'm gonna have to tell your parents about this you know it's not good for someone your age to not play with others" i shrugged "allright" the teacher got up with a sigh " i suppose it has to be this way then" i could hear the teacher leave as his footsteps grew distant i started to doodle a little on the paper that was in front of me. I knew that in two hours the school day would be over so i sighed and i looked out the window and noticed two children of the neighbouring school playing with each other happily. They were humans, i closed my eyes thinking about how it would have been if i had been human. Maybe my dad would have loved me for who i was instead of wanting me to be different. Or maybe i would have had the same problem but with a human father who would have had some other reason to hate me. I reopened my eyes trying to think of something else as the bell rang. A sign for all of the other kids to come inside. I looked at the door and waited for everyone to come back into the classroom. I noticed i was counting how long it would take them to come back inside, when everyone was back in their chairs the teacher resumed the lesson for the last two hours

The last bell rang indicating it was time to go home. Everyone got up in a rush grabbing their bags and slamming their chairs under the benches. I grabbed my bag and put on my coat and remembered i had to go home myself today. My mother had to go to work and couldn't be there to pick me up trought the forest and past the stream wich came all the way from the mountains and past the cliff at the end. As i walked out onto the playground someone tapped me on the shoulder i turned around and saw Greg an older boy who was rumored to have done a couple of classes over hence why he is so big. "Where do you think you are going ?" He looked at me menacingly and i could only look back at him in fear "uh" that was the only noise i could make Greg grabbed my by my collar as i tried to get away "oh so the biggest sissy in school is scared now?" Greg said as he laughed before getting punched in the stomach by someone. He dropped me and i looked up only to notice it was a human girl who helped me up "are you okay?" She asked with a friendly smile on her face she was obviously from the other school as there were no humans on my school i looked at her confused "what's wrong?" She asked seeing my confusion "um. N-no" i said as i picked my bag up from the floor wich had fallen down when Greg lifted me from the ground. "Uh" i looked at the girl for a second then turned around and walked off.

When i had just entered the forest i heard someone shout for help near the cliff i went to investigate who and what was going on i found a man a human who was hanging from the side of the cliff he was unknown to me as i had never seen him before "h-hello?" I asked after hesitating for a moment. The man looked up at me "please help me" i thought for a moment then decided to help the man who was clearly in distress and pulled him up "thank you" the man said the man before running away immideately. I turned around to see someone else standing in the distance. When i got closer i noticed it was my dad "dad?" I muttered confused as to why he was here in his work clothes at most but he stayed silent and grabbed my arm and dragged me home when we arrived at home my father kept his back turned for a moment and let out a sigh before turning around "are you mad?! Do you have any idea what you just did?" I opened my mouth to say something but my dad was faster "no? Well then to your room now ! Why don't you think about what you have done" he pointed to the stairs and i noticed his eye was twitching as it always did when my father was angry. I went up to my room scared and confused i heard my father mumble something unintelligible. I sat down on my bed and looked at the clock on the wall. I have always been fascinated by the way such small and common things worked. I sighed and looked out my window noticing a few neighbouring kids playing in their garden. And i also noticed my mums car drive onto the lawn "oh no" i said as i knew my mother would probably give me a lecture after hearing from my father. My dad has always been dissapointed in me i knew that.. but i would never have known things would change so quickly

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