Chapter 6 -Litch: The worst orphanage ever

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I looked around noticing two faceless shadowy figures in front of me. I wanted to reach out to them but i couldn't move a muscle as if i was nailed to the ground, i tried to speak but the only thing that came out was a squeak suddenly i jolt awake feeling the hairs on my arms and neck stand on end. I remember where i am i am still in the same spot i was when i fell asleep: the orphanage. I peeked around the room as most of the others were still fast asleep. I got up and looked trough a crack in the small window at the end of the sleeping hall it was pitch black outside only the occasional flicker of a flame to be seen. Probably the flame of a torturer.. here in hell you could often hear a lonely scream or a sob from one of the many condemned souls that lived around here as slaves. Whenever they would do something wrong they got burned or cut in half then reattached. I turned around and walked away from my bed wich stood lonely in the corner of the room. I've always known i was different that all of the other children that were in these beds. They all have horns tails and wings.. me ? Only a pair of wings, adult demons look at me oddly when i walk outside while the other children seem to be afraid of me. I don't know the reason just that they always ignore me and when it comes to it they tell me to leave.

I put my hand on the doorknob wich felt cold. I twisted it and it opened just far enough for me to slip trough. The hallway stretched out to both sides of me. Left of me there was another hall like the one i just came out of wich is where the girls sleep on the right were the bathrooms on the opposite of them the stairwell. i slowly made my way towards the stairs i noticed that there was a coat on the guest coat rack. It looked like a ladies and i could see a candle burning downstairs so i silently tiptoed down the stairs. Once i was on the bottom i looked trough the kitchen door where i could see the caretaker Lillith sit down at the table with another demoness. I had never seen her before and she seemed to be holding a young child. About 4 or 5 years old and fast asleep.

I listened in on the conversation while still staying hidden i could hear only parts of it as they were filling out some forms they were talking about the home situation of the demoness with the child wich didn't seem too great from what i could hear. A spider dropped down from the ceiling and i pushed it away causing dust to fly up my nose making me sneeze. Lillith immideately looked over at me and seemed to growl a little as she got up "uh oh" i said as she came closer "what are you doing out of bed ?" She hissed at me angrily. "Um.. toilet?" I answered as innocently as possible as i backed away slowly. I looked over at the demoness with the child and shouted at her "don't leave your child here she will get mistreated and hit by Lillith!" I jolted back up the stairs and back into the boy's hall hiding under my blanket before falling asleep again

The next morning to my relief i found that lillith had not followed me the night before. The sleeping hall was almost empty apart from one other boy whom was rummaging trough the chest under his bed wich we all had. Mine was practically empty apart from a few tiny stones that i had collected and found interesting at the time. I never had many belongings. The only other belonging i had was the blanket they found me in as a baby the only thing i had that my real parents had given to me. At least that is my assumption, after all i've never met my parents i don't remember anything or why they left me here. I got up and the other boy looked over "huh..?" He went silent then got up and ran off. I sighed "figures nobody wants to talk to the hornless demon" i put on my uniform as everyone in the orphanage had to wear one unless you wanted to get a beating from lillith. And i walked over to the door i opened it and saw two girls running by obviously play chasing each other. I closed the door behind me and made my way downstairs i knew i had school that day. Wich i didn't like much because lillith wasn't just our careraker but also our teacher. She would most likely think of some way to make my day  hell. Even though every day was literal hell in hell well for the ones being punished that is. I walked over to the cafeteria and grabbed a plate of food before sitting down at a table that was empty. Other children also came in but nobody ever had the courage to sit with me. Then again why would they want to sit with a freak like me. The ones that did talk to me would only do so to mock me. Call me a freak ask me if i needed help finding my horns etc. Over time i learned the best way to get rid of them was to just stay silent and glare. I finished my breakfast then headed over to the building nextdoor : The school building, it wasn't just for the orphanage actually but other kids went there too ones that had actual parents and even they would mock me calling me a freak an abomination and many more. As i walked over to my seat  i noticed a new kid sitting in the seat next to mine i sat down and hear another kid yell at the new kid "are you sure you want to sit next to hornless?" He chuckled obviously feeling great about himself the girl simply rolled her eyes "sure after i cut yours off i'll gladly sit next to you" the boy's chuckle quickly changed into a squirm "wh-what you're bluffing !" The girl shook her head "why do you think i was expelled from my last school?" The boy got up and tried to run out of the classroom but as soon as he neared the door lillith appeared and he fell down with a smack after bumping into her "and where do you think you are going mister?" She said as she held her glasses between her thumb and index finger wich had long black nails, her eyes seemed even scarier than usual "m-miss Lillith" the boy said obviously terrified. "T-the new girl she t-threathened me !" Lillith laughed "such a little wimp" she walked over to her desk "now sit down before i slap you with my ruler" immideately the boy ran to his seat "now if everyone is here please open your books at page 513 today we will be continueing the lesson on stuff that will harm low level demons such as yourselves" i opened my book and saw a few items a holy cross wich at the time just looked like two twigs stuck together to me,Holy water and a bible. I noticed that a few others flinched even from a drawing of them i heard the new girl wisper to me "so you aren't afraid of them either are you?" I looked over at her and whispered back "i'm sorry what?" She sighed "the items you didn't flinch when you saw them why is that?" I shrugged "i dunno i don't see why i should be afraid of a pair of twigs a bit of fluid and some musty old book" the girl smiled "well for me it's because i'm only half a demon. You see my father is a vampire" i frowned "a vampire?" She nodded "i'm Antoinette by the way"

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