Chapter 13 Arcana: Uncharted space

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It was our first day on Captain Kriggan's ship and after unpacking our things we were immideately called to attend a shipwide briefing regarding the new people that had joined the crew wich included me and Grey it was a regular briefing that one of the senior officers of the crew gave to inform us of what duties we would perform and who would be in charge when we did. She was a tall woman that had her hair put back in a ponytail her skin was a pale blue showing that she probably grew up in one of the colder parts of Icca near the snowy mountains of Neveah perhaps ? Not that it mattered much it just ment she was more resistant to cold weather than people that grew up in warmer climates. She gave everyone a pad with their exact shifts on it me and grey mostly had educational shifts where we would observe and help a member of the senior crew for one day. We could find what we were good at more easily so that we would gain a new title relying on what we exelled in. She also told us that we would traverse into unknown territory to explore and chart the area and possibly meet new species on the way. I looked at the pad and looked over the schedule for my first week. Our first day simply said meeting there was no underline as to what but i assumed we were supposed to get used to the ship or meet the people that would teach us the ropes and i soon found out that both was trough as a guy walked in who looked a few years older than us but who was clearly not an adult yet "are these the two i'll be guiding for today?" He asked the woman who nodded before looking over at us "you two will go with him he will show you around the ship and let you meet some of the others that will be teaching you" Grey looked at the woman and i just nodded "um miss.. you haven't introduced yourself yet" she had already turned to the rest of the people who were in the room however she looked over at grey "i introduced myself at the beginning of this briefing. Now don't say you weren't paying attention!" Grey looked at her confidently of her being wrong "actually miss you didn't.. you just said you were the one in charge of security. You never gave your name just your position aboard this ship" she burst into laughter "you are a sharp one i like that" she smiled and put her hands in her sides "my name is Agatha" Grey nodded and smiled back before we went with the one who was assigned to show us around. He showed us around the ship and we met the ones who would teach us what we needed about a week later we had assisted each of the senior officers and we were given our positions. Grey was put at one of the weapon stations as he turned out to be a great shot. I was made an engineer as during our first week one of our assignments was to re assemble one of the backup generators Grey didn't seem to grasp it and had to call someone over all the time where as i just started to put it back together while we only had a picture of how the thing was supposed to look like. I was placed under the direct command of the head engineer who was a tall man with orange skin and a tail that looked like a cattail plant. He was pretty suprised when i re assembled the backup generator where as Grey hadn't even noticed it was already reassembled when he finally realised he almost fainted.. at least it looked that way. That same week we recieved a distress call that ended up coming from a small escape pod however the one inside started to shout at us and call us names in a their own language luckily it was just because they were injured our people had met once before but it was a brief introduction as it was during a mining expedition on a nearby planet our mining methods had interfered with the workings of their ship and had disrupted some of their systems. So they weren't the best terms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2018 ⏰

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