Chapter 11 Litch: when it all goes dark

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A few months after Antoinette transferred into my class the bullying seemed to be less. At least from the other children onto me. Lillith was as cruel as ever maybe even worse. Whenever i would ask her to help me find my parents she would just stike me down with words as she knew hitting me wouldn't make a difference. I didn't cry like the other children not even if she hit me with a bible wich would leave marks on the faces of the other children whom she would always tell to toughen up and that if you let a simple book scare you you should be ashamed. She never prized me for not being afraid though unlike she did with everyone else. Even she seemed to think i was a freak even if she never spoke of it her actions were enough. She hated me with every fiber of her being wich would soon end on a particular day. The day i remember clearest of all of my childhood, at least one of the few days i remember most. It started off as any other day.

I was the last one to leave the sleeping hall again as i made my way downstairs i looked at a door that belonged to a girl whom i never truly spoke with as lillith made sure she wouldn't say anything back. It was odd as she was not very different from me, hornless however made of a neverending flame, she had no physical body at least as far as i knew. The school day started normally and we had a guest speaker who talked about his job as a torturer. He barely knew me but it was obvious he didn't like the look of me not having horns. He even asked Lillith if i was even normal of course she just shook her head however to top it off she started ranting about me. I felt anger boil up in me and didn't notice i was melting the metal of my table wich normally only the strongest demons are supposed to be able to do. Of course lillith noticed it when the tabletop fell onto the floor with a loud bang "Litch!" She glared at me as the guestspeaker could only look suprised at how easily i had destroyed a table "You good for nothing little runt! First you burn both a training bible and a cross and now a table? No supper for you and you will go to bed right away after school !" She yelled as she was angrily pointing her finger at me wich had a long nail with old blood stuck under it. According to stories she loved killing humans by ripping their hearts out with her nails and showing them their last heartbeat as she devoured their soul. During recess she put me on the side not allowing me to do anything. Not that i cared much nor did i care much about her half assed threats or punishments in my opinion she was allowed to just drop dead. All of the other kids seemed to walk around me in a circle more than normal, probably because of the incident from earlier. The only one that didn't care was Antoinette then again the only thing that was able to kill or hurt her was a wooden stake to the heart.. and even that wouldn't scare her much because it would probably just turn into ashes anyways. When school was over Lillith kept her word and sent me upstairs however she didn't bring me to the sleeping hall. There was one room where she would sent children that misbehaved and locked them in there. She did the same with me. There was just a matress in the middle of a room and a window with bars made of the same metal as the table from earlier the door was made of the same metal however i do not know why she even thought it would keep me in after seeing what i could do. I lied down on the bed and started singing a song about all of the ways someone could kill her and fell asleep after a while.

I woke up in the middle of the night. It was dark and i felt something i had never felt before a hunger that didn't seem to have anything to do with food. I looked around the room and walked over to the door i touched it and my hand melted right trough it without me even as much as thinking about it. It just happened when the door was nothing more than a mess of molten steel i stepped over the little strip of what once was a door. I looked around the corridor and started walking down it towards the stairs. There were no lights on as even lillith had gone to sleep. I could feel my body moving towards the door of her room but my mind was somewhere else. I was thinking about how my life would have been if i hadn't been here. If my parents hadn't left me here to rot, i could feel the handle of her door in my hand as i opened it. My blood was boiling more than it normally was and it wouldn't suprise me if i melted the handle then and there. Lillith was fast asleep and i walked to the side of her bed. The next thing i remember is looking down at Lillith. My hands were wet at first i thought it was just sweat but i would soon find out what was really going on. I lifted my hands and looked at them."it's blood" i squealed as i noticed lillith was covered in blood herself. Unmoving as she was she looked almost peaceful i could feel both fear and joy come over me. Scared as i was i noticed i was crying as my tears dripped down onto her body that lied there contorted on the floor "miss Lillith?" I could hear someone say from the second door that led to another room. It was the girl that was made of flames. I suddenly remembered as if a flashback brought it to me. Lillith wasn't alseep she was dead! I killed her. I remember it clearly now as much as she struggled the strongest demoness satan has ? Before i knew it i was laughing not a laugh of joy no a laugh that you would only hear from someone who has totally lost their mind. Had i lost my mind? I don't know however what i do know is that the girl had left the doorway and was probably trying to get someone to help. They would capture me and do who knows what to me so i ran. I ran untill i found the gate to the human world and went trough it where i hid untill i was sure nobody would find me. What i didn't know was that nobody would come after me as even satan himself was now afraid of me.

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