Chapter 9 Jazz: Arrival and Magic?

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I put all of my stuff down as i arrived in the room that was assigned to me after passing the knight's test. It was in a tower close to the castle's entrance so that in case of emergency i would be able to get to the front as fast as possible instead of having to run trough the whole castle and risking the lives of the ones i was here to protect. I removed my armor and put on some regular clothes. A knock was heard on my door "you may enter" i said and a maid put her head around the corner "the king has invited you for dinner in the great hall, i see you have already changed. I'll show you the way if you wish" i nodded "thank you and i will take him up on that offer" i smiled as i made my way to the door. The maid lead me trough a few halls and corridors. "is something the matter?" I asked as the maid looked at me from the corner of her eye "n-no. It's just that" she paused for a moment then continued "you're younger than our last knight" i frowned "perhaps" i said as we continued to walk untill we arrived at the great hall where the king the queen and his daughters were all already sitting. Including the one who had also participated in the knights trial whom was now wearing a dress instead of a suit of armor "welcome" the king said holding down a cough "sit we've been waiting for you" . "Thank you your majesty" i sat down at the table and looked at all of the food that was set out on the large table. A whole pig lots of vegetables and some delicacies of the area "you've probably never seen this much food on one table have you" one of the princesses said with a pityful smile "i have actually. But i'd rather not talk about my past, it would only cause confusion and unrest" her smile dissapeared slowly as it made place for a pout "how can a commoner like you have enough money for this much food ? Only royals and the rich can have this" i grinned "i suppose" i paused taking a bite of food "however you don't know who i am apart from my front name, and even if you remember it just from me saying it once, for all you know i could be anyone" i noticed the queen was giving her daughter a glare "Laura stop judging someone you've only just met" Laura sighed as she ate some of her food. "It's fine, she's just curious i have no doubt all of you are wich is perfectly fine and perfectly normal" another one of the princesses looked over at me obviously being the youngest as she was only a child "why did you decide to be our knight?" I smiled as she could only remind me of my own sister Mist whom i hadn't seen in a few years "good question, to be honest it just felt right. Like i had to be here for something important. I don't know what it is yet but i'm sure i'll find out eventually" another princess frowned "so what you're saying it was just a feeling ? Not very trustworthy you know, who says you're not some assassin sent to kill us all?" I chuckled "sneaky is not my style. If i was an assassin you would not have been sitting here instead you'd probably be a bloody mess by now, so no i'm not here to harm anyone except for perhaps an intruder or someone with ill will. I am here to protect all of you so i hope to make that clear, you'll know soon that i am speaking the truth"

The next morning i briefly went out to check up on the guards and to introduce myself to some of them once i was done doing that i decided to explore the castle a bit that is untill the youngest princess came running to me "mister knight mister knight!" She yelled as a few other children ran after her with sticks "they want to hurt me with sticks" i could see that the children were children of the staff judging from their clothes. I frowned "why would they want to do that?" I crouched to look at the other children from a similar height "because she is wierd !" A boy in rugged trousers yelled "wierd? In what way". "Look she is doing it again!" Another yelled before they all ran off. I looked over at the princess as her hand seemed to glow "let me see that" i said as i grabbed her hand to look at it "it's been happening for a while now and i am scared" she said as she looked over at me. I nodded "have you told your parent's?" She shook her head "i'm afraid they will yell at me". "I doubt they will, we can go tell them together maybe they know more about it other than what i can already see". "What do you mean what you can see" i stood back up and we started to walk "that you have some kind of magical abilities but i'm not sure what kinds. The court wizard might know though". "Magic? Can you do magic too? Are your wings magic and your hair?" I shook my head "my wings and hair aren't magic.. i was born like that, however i do posess some magic but it is nothing compared to a court wizard's magic." The princesses hand was still glowing "also i don't believe i caught your name?" She nodded "i'm Syphria but what magic do you have?" I smiled "well i suppose you could say i have two powers, i can create and manipulate lightning and if i get hurt i heal really fast" we arrived at the throneroom where Syphria's mother and father were currently sitting on their thrones so i explained

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