Chapter 10 Raktha: The way the nile flows

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I peeked into the throne room where my father surrounded by some young women sat on his throne. A woman stood in front of him whom i could only recognize as just another member of my mothers large family wich mostly consisted of gods with the exception of me and my brother and perhaps some niece or nephew that didn't live here in the human world. My father had most likely done something to anger the woman as she seemed to be gesturing angrily at my father whom always had a knack for getting into trouble. Most would assume i would be the same but they would be very wrong. I only have one friend after all and she is the only one who isn't afraid of me for my powers or at all really. I turned around and noticed my mother sitting down on a small pillow on the floor "Raktha come over here i need to tell you something" i made my way over to her and sat down next to her on another pillow just like the one she was sitting on "yes mother?" I answered as she looked over at me "i have a little suprise i haven't even told your father yet" she gently grabbed my hand and put it on her stomach. I could feel something moving inside and looked up at her confused " mother what did you eat? It's still alive!" She smiled and laughed gently then shook her head "no i didn't eat anything that was still alive. You're going to have a little brother or sister" she patted me on the head as she smiled obviously knowing i would still not fully understand "a brother or sister? Then why are they in your belly ?" I looked at her belly intensely untill she spoke again "Because they aren't strong enough to be outside yet he or she can't walk or talk yet like you can. You know you were once inside my belly too" she smiled as i looked up at her "i was?" She nodded "of course almost everyone was once in the belly of their mother. But enough of that now, we need to keep it a secret untill tonight's dinner your grandfather will be joining us too and your aunt who is talking to your father will too so can you keep quiet untill tonight?" I nodded and turned my mouth into a gold plate for a moment then said "i'm as silent as a mummy" i smiled and my mother smiled "allright now go and say hi to your aunt she hasn't seen you for some time now so she will want to see how big her nephew has gotten" i got up then walked over to the throne room where my dad was still argueing with my aunt even if he clearly didn't seem phazed by it all even if someone was yelling at him who was a being far greater than my father who was just a regular human after all. I peeked at my aunt from behind a pillar and remembered who she was even if it was only from the stories my mother had told me. Her name was Bastet and she was known as being the goddess of cats wich was quite obvious judging from her catlike appearance as she had the face of a cat aswell as being just as elegant as any feline. One of her ears twitched and she turned her head to look over at me before walking over and crouching to take a look at me "you must be Raktha !" She smiled and seemed to purr a little "you've grown so much since i've last seen you, and you have you mother's eyes" i looked at her wondering if the fur on her face was soft or not. She chuckled "what's wrong? Did you lose your tongue ?" I shook my head and she smiled "good because if you had lost we would have to look for it" i giggled then nodded

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