Chapter 4 : Arcana- Planet Icca

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I heard a knock on the front door and already heard my mother rush to the door my sister Zulie was in the living room watching her favorite show. I could hear the characters chatting away at each other i didn't care much for the shows my sister watched as they where too childish for my taste.. i peered down the hallway from the kitchen leaning back on my chair in a way that the two front legs were lifted off the floor.

My mother opened the door i could hear her speak with a man of whom i could only see his graying hair and receding hairline. My tail twitched a little as my mother closed the door and walked into the kitchen with a letter in her hands. "A letter?" I asked as i made the chair fall back onto four legs. "Is it from dad ?" I smiled but my smile quickly turned to a frown as my mother broke down in tears. She gave me the envelope wich was already opened. I took it and looked inside.. i fell silent as i started to read i could feel my eyes starting to water father died on one of his missions. A fatal accident while on a rescue mission in one of the neighbouring solar systems.

I looked up at my mother walked over and hugged her. As soon as we had calmed down a bit she looked away "how do we tell this to your sister?" She looked at the doorway that leads to the living room before looking back at me "she won't be able to handle this.." mother wiped off her tears with the back of her hand "i can't get a job if i need to take care of her i can't leave her alone.. not with her condition.." i nodded then got up "i'll do it" mother looked at me "how do you plan on doing that? You are still in school and no shop would take in a child.. you know the law" i got up "i know mother.. but i can't let you and Zulie starve plus father was one of the most important members of the federation.. there must be someone willing to take me in and teach me the basics"

"I can't let you do that.. i can't also lose you" mother burst out in tears again "we don't really have a choice.. i might be young but i'm not stupid. Father wouldn't want us to sit here and starve that's why he took every job he could get in the first place" i walked into the hallway and put on my shoes and jacket. "Mother i've decided i won't let us starve not in a million years!" I opened the front door and walked out and could hear my mother say one last thing before the door fell shut behind me "just as stubborn as her father"

As soon as i arrived at the shipyard i started asking around. I walked over to a tall looking woman "um.. excuse me miss" the woman looked at me with a stern look on her face "what is it child" i tried to pull the sweetest face i could "could you please teach me how to be a protector ?" Immideately after i said this the woman burst out into laughter "you have got to be kidding me" her expression changed "do i look like a charity ? Now scram you twerp" i sighed and walked on "i guess not then" i rolled my eyes as i looked around some more. Next i asked a buff looking man who was talking to a few of his crew members. "Um mister could i ask something?" the man looked at me before immideately telling me to go away. This continued on for a little while untill i finally decided it was useless.. i had asked virtually everyone in the whole shipyard even the smaller and lesser known crews. But all of them denied me. Some didn't even listen to what i had to say.

I sat down on some stairs and i was preparing to leave when suddenly i heard a voice "you there.. what is a child doing in the shipyard ?" The voice sounded kind much unlike everyone else i had spoken to that day i turned my head and saw an old man with a beard and twinkly eyes "oh it's useless anyways" i sighed "useless? Nothing is ever useless you have to keep going if you want to get anywhere in life" i looked at the man a little confused "now say up what is it that brings you here ?" I sighed "well my father died.. my sister is unable to care for herself so my mother can't get a job so i thought i tried asking around here if anyone could teach me. But everyone said no..." the man laughed "a brave young lady i see ! I suppose i could use someone like you" the man stopped for a moment and thought i looked up at him with a smile "really?" The man nodded "of course. I am and always will be a man of my word. Now come to yard 3A tomorrow morning at 8. Make sure to prepare yourself and don't be late!" I got up and nodded "i will sir thank you so much"

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