Chapter 8 Arcana: A journey to the stars

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock wich i wouldn't be needing after today. I immideately got up and put on some clothes then eagerly ran downstairs my mother was already up feeding my sister whom was mentally ill and unable to care for herself. "Hi mum" i gave her a kiss on the cheek then i reached for a bowl and some of the kiddie oats wich were my sisters favourite loads of them having faces of some of the characters of the tv shows she always loved.. kinda creepy if you asked me though. I mean i don't want to eat the face of the fuzzy yellow character known as Baeryn or any of her friends ! However food is food so i didn't complain "please be careful" my mother said shaking me out of my thought "don't worry mom i'm doing this for you two i'll make sure nothing happens" i smiled as i poured some of the local Gamby's milk into my bowl. After i finished breakfast i said goodbye to my mother and sister then grabbed the bags i had packed last night just before i went to bed. And headed off to the shipyard to meet with the man that had allowed me to learn on his ship. My tail swayed in the wind as i arrived and to my suprise i wasn't the only child that would be on the ship as a boy of around my age was standing next to the man obviously asking him where to put his bags. The man of wich i soon found out his name was Kriggan noticed me in the distance "now hold on lad" he said to the boy as i came closer "would you mind showing that lass over there the way too? She's the one you'll be sharing the o'l quarters with" the boy turned around and unlike my own brightly coloured skin his was more of a grey-blue tone obviously showing he was from one of the colder parts of Icca. "Oh uh hi" he said as he seemed to be struggling with one of his bags wich had a broken handle "hi there" i answered him "um the captain told me the way i'll show you if you want" i nodded "i would like that thank you, oh i'm Arcana by the way" the boy nodded as he had already turned and put a step onto the ship "just call me grey" he said obviously struggling with his bag "um do you need any help?" He shook his head "i'll be allright it's not that far" the lift opened and a member of the crew walked out as we walked in "if you say so" i said as the boy called up the floor we were on "this place is pretty big huh?" He nodded in response "you don't talk much either do you" i said as i looked over at him, he looked back "i have my reasons" i frowned "reasons? What reason could you have not to get to know me better. Especially if we are going to be roommates!" He sighed "i just don't... i just don't want you to call me a freak like everyone else does" we stepped out of the lift as we arrived at our destination "i don't see why i would call you a freak" he shook his head "not now maybe but you will". "I won't i promise just tell me" i held out my hand to pinky swear "uh i can't right now" he looked at the bags "oh right!" I laughed  "sorry about that" we walked into a room that had two beds on each side. The room also had a window from wich now we could only see the grasslands outside of the shipyard and the great tyric off in the distance, at least a smaller version of it as the real one was deep in the origin forest where it is said all life on Icca came from. In a few hours time we would be able to see the whole of Icca and loads of stars. Grey put down his bags with a sigh "so is this your first time on a spaceship?" I shook my head "no i've been once before.. you see my dad was the captain of the Rager that is untill recently". "Oh right the accident. I heard about that. The whole crew was lost in a part of space that wasn't charted yet" i nodded "yeah we were told they were attacked after following a distress call from some ship that called it'self the U.S.S New Amsterdam. However they were too late and when they tried to leave with some survivors they couldn't get away and were destroyed like this other ship" Grey frowned "i wonder where they are from and what they look like. I mean we found some other races but i've never heard of any ships with the initials U.S.S" i nodded "yeah. They defenitely weren't Iccan or anything we've met before.. i heard they didn't have tails and had wierd skin color". "Wierd skin color ?" "Yeah as in really dark but not black and a mix between pink and white and orangey." Grey sat down on the bed "and i thought i was wierd" he giggled "i mean compared to that being able to shift trough space time and dimensions is nothing.. though" i smiled "you can do that ?" Grey nodded "that's so cool!"

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