Chapter 7 Kazo: Alone

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I remember this evening better than any other. It wasn't fun like the evenings in the memories of others no, in fact it was dreadful. Possibly the worst ever in my whole entire life. We were having dinner. Me my mother and my father it was a few days after the incident where i accidentally helped someone i shouldn't have helped. My father stood up from the dinner table and without saying anything went upstairs and stayed there for a little while. When he returned he had my backpack in his hand and he walked over to me "i'm done" he angrily declared "you have disgraced us by helping that man and i am no longer putting up with it" he grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to the front door. My mother just sat at the kitchen table silently not even giving me a glance i tried to make eye contact with her but she was looking the other way "mother" i squeaked as my father gave me my shoes and threw a coat on top of me " put them on!" He shouted as at the time i didn't understand what was going on. As soon as i had my coat and shoes on he opened the front door pushed me out and threw my bag next to me "if i ever see you again i will kill you ! So see this as the easy route" he slammed the door shut then locked it. "What?" I squeaked as i could feel tears welling up in me "father no! Please" i noticed i started knocking on the door and did this for what seemed like an eternity. But they just ignored me, like i didn't even exist. When i realised this i ran not knowing where i was going as my tears clouded my vision. I ran trough the streets and ended up in the city park wich was empty. Nobody to bully me or judge me just trees a pond with some ducks and some other birds. I walked over to the pond and sat down next to me i looked into the water where i could see my reflection hoping to see someone else. A human boy perhaps ? But no i was still me a weakling a disgrace of an Orc whom couldn't even stand up for himself i squealed as a frog jumped out of the pond and i sighed. Oh It's just a frog i let my self fall backwards and i looked up at the sky wondering. Somewhere maybe somewhere there is someone who could care for me someone who won't judge me by what i am and put me along the lines of stereotypes. Who won't force me to be something i'm not. Before i knew it i had fallen asleep right there in the grass next to the pond

In the morning a lady on her morning stroll woke me. At first i assumed she was an elf however she looked different than anyone i had ever seen before with purple skin pink hair and bright green eyes. She smiled at me "hello there what is a boy like you doing sleeping in the park here?" I sat up and noticed i had cried a bit in my sleep so i wiped the tears in my eyes "i-i" i sighed and felt that another waterfall of tears was about to erupt. The lady held out her hand to help me up "it's allright if you don't want to talk about it... whatever happened must have been terrible" i looked up at her tears still on the brink of showing themselves then i nodded. "You don't live around here do you" i looked around noticing i had ran all the way to the central park of the city. "No" i answered almost whispering "i see well me neither" she smiled "huh?" I frowned "however i must tell you that you should have ended up in the forest not here" i looked up at the lady who pointed into the direction of the forest before walking a circle around me and nodding "you are not ready yet after all, once you are i will be back, i suppose i'm just going to have to ask my friend to skip time again" i looked at her confused and she shook her head "oh my i'm saying too much again. You should go to the forest it's safer there and you will find what you need to find there" she smiled then turned around "oh i almost forgot! Do not forget that you are never alone there will always be people who care for you" she said before mumbling "unlike your parents" then walking off and dissapearing behind a tree. After the lady left i was puzzled about what she said however i decided to take her advice and go to the forest i was not sure why but i was sure that there was a reason for why she told me to go there. She obviously knew more about this all.. only later would i realise why this was and who she was

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