Chapter11:Dahliah Gets Married

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In August of 2011 Dahliah gave birth to her daughter Nicole. She was the sweetest little baby that anyone could ever dream of having. She was a small baby but perfectly healthy. Who knew that Nicole would catch on to another language in a heart beat. Chad who was her father was from Brazil. He knew perfect English but would mostly speak in his native language which was Portuguese. He taught Nicole how to speak fluently in Portuguese from toddler age I would say and she grew up thinking it was her native language. She always spoke Portuguese at school and she knew English fluently also but loved Portuguese more. That's why none of the teachers could understand her. Or the students. She'd always try it with Dahliah to "English girl English" Dahliah would constantly have to say to her. Sometimes she would fake like she didn't understand English until she was given a certain look. A "don't play with me" type look. Nicole could sing very well for her age to. She got that from Chad. He had a pretty good singing voice. Which sometimes made me wonder why he became a nurse anesthesia doctor instead of an artist. On July 22nd 2012 Dahliah and Chad got married. The happiest day of all of our lives. Since they stayed in Fullerton California after graduating college they decided they would get married there. And it wasn't long when they called it either. Alan and I couldn't be more proud of our daughter. Her beautiful strapless wedding dress with sparkles all over it and Chad's handsome designed tuxedo. Not only did Alan cry tears of joy at her birth but also at her wedding. This signified that his first baby girl not only was she a independent full grown woman but a wife and mother. (Cause she slay). 

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