Chapter13:Daddy's Funeral

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Daddy's funeral was like any other funeral. A bunch of sadness and sorrow. I couldn't stop crying and it began to make Alan cry a little. My mom was just broken at such a horrible way he died. I was surprised really at how strong the kids were and how weak I was. I had something to perform at his funeral and was not sure how I was going to get through it. I came next after my mother and brother spoke their words of thanks to everyone for showing support. It was the most painful thing I've ever felt in my entire life. This was more painful than child birth. My name was called for me to perform my farewell song. I picked up my guitar. This was the same guitar daddy had bought me on my sixteenth birthday. I always played it no matter how out of tune it was getting. I sat on the stool in the front and began playing. I sang heaven by Dani and Lizzy and was surprised at myself that I got through that without breaking down. The sensitive supportive smile on Alan's face made me smile. I felt a little better and a little healed from that. After the funeral was over we went to eat and then headed to the graveyard. Daddy clearly stated in his will to not cremate him. It was a tough day but the first day of healing from this tragedy. I knew with Alan there I was going to heal just fine. He always made me feel better. I was grateful for Alan and every single chance I got to spend with him I took it. I thanked God everyday for him. 

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