Chapter12:A Heartbreaking Tragedy

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Now let's back track. A sensitive topic that I was contemplating on whether I should add in our life story or not. I talked to Alan about it and he said "yeah add that. It's apart of our lives". So I'm adding it. I am very close with my family. My mom and dad. And my older brother Jack. All of our cousins, nieces and nephews, and aunts and uncles. On May 23rd 2009 I experienced a tragedy. It was a blow to my whole family. Alan knew I was a highly sensitive girl from the time he met me. He knew I never wanted to make him mad and if I did something would happen. But can't say I never made him angry because I did. But you argue from time to time. It's natural. On that day we were in New York. Severus became a child disability nurse. He got his own apartment in Manhattan. I was sitting in the back seat of Yashi's Hummer H2 in front of the stage door where we were parked waiting for Alan. My son was at his apartment. He had just got off work. It was about 10pm. I got a call from Jack. He was crying; "Daddy got killed by a train! Daddy's dead!" he cried on the phone. "What do you mean he got killed by a train? What are you talking about? " I said back to him. Jack trying to breathe said to me "It was around 3pm today. Mama just called me. Daddy got killed in a railroad crossing crash". My heart sunk. Not my dad. The most bubbly person in the world. A man who always smiles and loved to laugh. A man who was always curious and brave. Always ready for an adventure. Was the biggest fan of my husband. A man whose taught me so much is now gone forever. "It's not true Jack. You're playing right? " I asked in disbelief. "I wouldn't play with our father like that. He's dead". I started to whine. Tears started to fall. I tried to keep it together but couldn't help but break into pieces. I just saw him the Friday before and now it's Monday and he's dead. Gone forever. How could this happen? And why our dad? Jack and I disconnected shortly after and I cried openly in sorrow. Alan was still signing play bills for the fans. "Mama what's wrong?". I looked up to see Yashi and her boyfriend Zane looking at me. "Grandpa's dead". I said through a waterfall of tears. Yashi and Zane looked at each other. "How mama?" Yashi said in a cracking voice. "Freight train accident" I said still crying waterfalls. "No" Yashi said softly in horror disbelief. Yashi was always the one to be head strong. But this was news she couldn't handle. Yashi and Zane switched. Zane was now driving us and Yashi was in the back seat with me. Why on earth would this happen? He didn't deserve it. The back door to the left side seat opened. Alan got in and I turned my head. He hated to see me cry so I didn't show him. "How's everyone's evening?" he said closing the door. There was a tap on the back of the truck signaling us that we were free to go. Zane started to pull off. "It's not so good Mr. Rickman" Zane said while looking for an opening between cars. "What's the matter?" Alan asked. Everyone was silent. I saw out the corner of my eye him turn to look at me. I looked down. He took his hand and gently turned my face to meet his. "What's happened baby?" Alan said with that soft tone of concern. "My father's been killed". I said to him not making eye contact. "I'm so sorry baby. When did this happen?" He said. "Earlier this evening around 3pm". I said once again trying not to crack.  "How'd it happen love?" Only Alan would ask that. I took a deep breath and told him the story Jack told me. How there was a malfunction with the train lights and gate that usually alerts you that the train is coming. And how as soon as he crossed his car was taken out. I showed him pictures of the car that Jack sent me. Alan was horrified. He looked up at me and we stared each other in the eyes. Alan gently moved my hair back and softly rubbed my wet tear stained face. And it was at that moment I burst into tears. Alan comforted me. His strong arms like a shield around my body. I cried in his arms the rest of the way. 

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