Hey there !!

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I woke up and quickly ran to my bathroom
I started to throw up. Ugh morning sickness I think it's because of the party last night.
I was still throwing up and than I felt someone taking my hair out of my face. I don't have a boyfriend and I live alone!!
I'm scared to turn around. When I was done i cleaned my face and walked to my bedroom.
When I walked to my bedroom i saw a guy sitting on my bed. He was hot.

"Hey are you ok?" He asked me with worried look on his face.

"Yh what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Oh, um you probably don't remember me I'm the guy u hook with last night" he said and put his hands through his hair nervously.

"Oh ok.." I said and walked to my bathroom and then took a shower.
I'm so stupid how could I hook up with a random boy, omg and I left him alone in my bedroom!! I quickly got out of the shower and got dressed up then walked to my bedroom.
He was already dressed.

"So what's your name?" I said

"My name is Ethan" he said.

"Umm sorry but I have to go I can't waste your time " he said and walked to the door.

"No wait !" I said and ran to him, what am I doing?! He turned around and licked his lips. And then I felt a sharp pain in my stomach I ran to my bathroom again and started to throw up Ethan ran after me and held my hair up.

"I guess I'll have to stay here with you and make you a soup because you don't look well" Ethan said and walked downstairs.
I walked to my bed and after a while Ethan walked to my bedroom with a bowl with soup inside it. The soup was delicious.

"Omg this soup is delicious" I said and looked at him.

"My grandma always made it for me when I was sick" he said.

When I finished the soup I fell asleep.
After two hours I woke up and saw a piece of paper on my night stand.
On the paper there was Ethan's phone number and he wrote that he never did this to one night stand.

I walked downstairs to my living room and watched Kardiashians. I love this Tv show.
While watching the show I looked at the piece of paper and my phone, I typed in Ethan's phone number and texted him saying that it's me his one night stand that he helped.

5 days later...

Me and Ethan are friends now we spend lot of time together. I still have the morning sickness every morning. I think it's just some food poisoning or some illness. I hope I'm not pregnant. I walked out of my house to the pharmacy store and bought two types of pregnancy tests one even said how long you are in your pregnancy.
I jogged back home and walked to the toilet
I peed on the both tests and then waited 10 minutes. I walked to the bathroom with my eyes closed I didn't want to look at them and then I looked and saw that they both were positive. I dropped them both on the floor and then picked up the one which said how long you were in your pregnancy and it said 5 days. I already knew who the dad is. I looked in the mirror at my belly and I had a little bump on it.

I texted Ethan.

Me: Ethan come over to my house I have something important to tell you.

Ethan : Can't it wait for tomorrow?

Me: No Ethan it's about someone's life

Ethan: ok I'm coming over now cuz it's kinda creepy now.

It didn't even took him 15 minutes to come to my house because I heard a knock.
I ran to the door and then saw Ethan and his sweaty forehead.

"So what's so important?" Ethan asked and walked in and sat on my couch drinking his water.

"Ethan I don't know how to say it but um... um.. im p-pregnant" I said and Ethan nearly chocked on his water.

"Who the dad is?" Ethan asked stressed

"umm Ethan you are the dad" I said and looked down.

Ethan sat on the floor in front of me and touched my belly. "If this is my kid then I will help you" he said and looked me in the eyes.
I was happy that he said it.
"But is it really my kid" Ethan asked
"Yh I think so because on the test it said that I'm pregnant like 5 days and I only had my last sex with you and nobody else" I said and looked at him.
"Ok"Ethan said and looked at my belly.

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